"I want to find out what happens when you strip people of all the comforts of modern life - does 21st century man still have it in him to fight for his survival?"
"I want to find out what happens when you strip people of all the comforts of modern life - does 21st century man still have it in him to fight for his survival?"
I really like your use of a pop culture reference from 4.5 years ago. This was a good comment, keep doing this.
I am never ashamed to admit my sexual attraction to him.
Yes, this. Mr. Stroud is a friggin' Boss
Bear Gryllss sucks anyways. Let's bring back Survivorman. Les Stroud is 10 times the survivalist that Gryllss is, PLUS he and his wife love to do the survivalist gig together!
Oh which one of them are you? Pro tip, if you don't want to be called a rapist, don't rape. Have a good one!
ibiza: You come across as being very angry, and I'm sorry for whatever happened to you to make you so angry. I understand that it's easy to become overwhelmed when women experience so much sexism and misogyny on a daily basis, and so many men either perpetrate it or stand idly by and just let it happen. Sometimes it…
Last I checked this was college, not high school. Children my ass. These are adults, with all the rights and responsibilities that come with it.
Fun fact — you are part of the problem, not the solution.
I don't buy it. It sounds pretty excuse-y to me, because you'd basically have to change the WHOLE relationship and they didn't. Also she's not a kid on the show: she's a young woman. Is the idea of this dude raping her more realistic? At the very least it's AS realistic. But this is a show that prominently features…
"Distasteful as twincest dead kid church sex is..."
First off, it's already been established that this was a change from the books. So Martin had nothing to do with this. You could definitely argue that the change was unnecessary and ruined Jaime's character arc, but I guess I don't get the outrage that we saw a rape scene. Plenty of other horrible things happen all…
Yes, I watch GoT because I secretly get off on sexual violence. It has nothing to do with the good writing, exciting twists and turns, well-done fantasy setting, etc.
For pretty much the same reasons some people enjoy slasher films. The depictions of rape and violence are not there to be glorified, they're there to make the viewer uncomfortable (or frightened). Tho of course how fans react is really out of the author's hands. An emotional response is the intent tho.
AU alum here! EI has been a problem for a LONG time. As Erin notes, they aren't an official frat or organization associated with AU, but I can say from experience that they have been allowed to basically wreak havoc un-checked for years. Part of the problem is that they all live off-campus and all parties are…
Distasteful as twincest dead kid churchsex is, the scene in the book had meaning and a literary quality important to story and character. In the book, this is also their reunion scene (Jaime misses the Purple Wedding and Tyrion's arrest), so there's that added emotional pop—here they are, breaking every taboo, and…