... I would argue definitively that South Park is a very strongly satirical show that pokes fun at everything. It doesn’t do offensive for offensiveness’ sake.
... I would argue definitively that South Park is a very strongly satirical show that pokes fun at everything. It doesn’t do offensive for offensiveness’ sake.
Would rather have Zelda RPG: Legend of the Seven Rupees.
I don’t give a shit what he picks in normals, but competitive? You gotta think about the team comp. I give people a shot, I let them play their chosen hero for a minute or two (unless nobody chooses healer and I’m the only healer or tank) but if they suck, they need to switch to a role the team needs. End of story.
I can’t stop thinking of this every time I hear about McCree
Actually, what it takes is a concerted effort from the regional party apparatus, backed by the federal party apparatus, to swing voters, and to energise their base.
I guess you haven’t seen the Dota 2 community lately.
The World Ends With You made amazing use of the dual screens.
But don’t you want to live in a house covered in shiplap? All the shiplap? Just so much shiplap? That grey, worn wood that looks like a termite’s expired dinner?
There is zero evidence Russia was involved in the Wikileaks hacks.
Free trade agreements are bad when applied poorly - for instance, the US uses NATFA like a bludgeon, hitting Canada and Mexico when they use any sort of tariff to protect their industry while the US says “not my problem!” and does nothing when putting up their own protectionist tariffs.
Yes, yes it is.
“Bernie Bros” is a narrative cooked up by the Clinton campaign and the DNC just like the birther nonsense about Obama. Stop parroting falsehoods months after they’ve been proven wrong.
This is the Berenstain timeline.
... NAFTA is an excellent deal? What pipe dream world are you living in? As for the Clintons and Sudan...
No, they didn’t treat Bernie like every other candidate. You’re delusional if you think so.
Voting for Clinton is your definition of heart? When she pushed Honduras into military dictatorship and death squads roaming the country murdering women and children? When she pushed to destroy Libya, the country with the second-highest standard of living on the African continent at the behest of racist jihadis? When…
Polls showed Clinton narrowly beating Trump all through the primaries and it got worse as it went on. Sanders kept pulling farther and farther ahead of Trump.
Nader didn’t spoil shit.
You assume those voters would have voted Clinton. Bad assumption.
This is the same bullshit numbers that tanked Nader, when it was later proven that it was white Dems swinging to Bush that narrowed the gap between Bush and Gore.