What the actual hell is the tone of this article???
What the actual hell is the tone of this article???
What a cunt move, Shannon. “Alec Baldwin discharged a firearm on the set of his latest film” is followed soon thereafter with, “The firearm, which is being referred to as a “prop gun” in the media without any definitive proof that it was not a real firearm...”
Jesus some of the comments here have a whiff of misogyny. Why should she be humble about her intelligence?? Most men certainly aren’t.
It’s interesting that you just linked a woman’s intelligence to the man she landed compared to the actual woman revealing her own IQ, (which you claim is something someone should keep to themselves for reasons I’m sure have nothing to do with your own personal hangups.)
I’m concerned but also... Joe is hotter. Don’t ask me why. He just is : (
Why was Bunny wearing a OMITB Podcast Hoodie? Inquiring minds want to know!
I thought this article was actually going to be examining unanswered questions from the first season, like who left the note on Jan’s door, etc.
Also (and I admittedly don’t remember the Steve Carrell line), but if quoted accurately, it just means Steve Carrell exists in this universe, not that “The Office” necessarily does.
I didn’t actually think she was trying to cause an explosion? Maybe I’m mistaken, but I think she was trying to poison people with the gas, which would be much closer to her MO, and in line with her escalating when she’s close to being caught.
I’m not gonna lie, I snorted at that. Meghan McCain trying to act all high and mighty but tripping over basic word usage is just *chef’s kiss.*
The thing about Whoopi, though, is that she yields so much power in culture and television, and once she turns on you, it can create unfathomable tension at the table.
The note on Jan’s door looks very similar to the card from Lucy, who would have a reason to tell her former father figure’s new girlfriend that “I’M WATCHING YOU”...
It cannot possibly be healthy to be so invested in a celebrity’s size (whatever it may be,) that a change of one sort or another feels like a betrayal.
Lucy and DESI ARNAZ. You can stop being snide for five minutes to read a sentence.
I think you hit the nail on the head. It’s kind of a shitty trap that I can see a lot of them falling into. Like Oprah, as she mentioned. Or Kirstie Alley. You lose weight and get a sponsor and I would imagine at that point the pressure is immense and the fear of falling off the wagon is immense and it all snowballs…
Who suppressed the toxicology report on Tim Kono?
When Jane Lynch appeared I came THIS CLOSE to a spit take. Kudos to whoever decided that the stunt double would be a woman and to cast her in the role.
I have repeatedly stated that Golden Girls is a much better series than Sex and the City. I will die on this hill.
I think it’s an equally dumb thing to say to a boy in this context.
Forgive me for asking this but for those of us who have never seen a Halloween movie but have seen every episode of RHOBH... does Kyle Richards’s character die?