
There are some shows that, due to the rare exposure they receive in the mainstream, result in viewers assuming that their television portrayals will provide a glimpse inside the culture that the show portrays. A perfect example of this is Sons of Anarchy. Far be it from a member of Hell’s Angels to pen a letter to

This is like that time when all of the municipal parks and recs departments around the country boycotted when Parks and Recreation hit the air in 2009. Oh, wait...

Hillary lost because she was a terrible candidate. Get over it. The DNC rigged the game against Sanders, so we end up with Trump.

I’m a black moderate Republican. I didn’t vote for Trump and never would, but I exist and like to think I make some sort of sense. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Beautifully written. Two issues: 1. Obama’s presence was great for black people... now there is absolutely no doubt there is no ceiling on black achievement. Period. No excuses either. Nobody is holding black people down. 2. Please tell me what happens when Trump - as little as folks may like him personally - does

Asking as an American: I know you guys spell a lot of words like favor and center wrong, but lose? That is a new one for me.

Sometimes it’s actually both.

You should put a cat in there.

Oh sweetie, mouse poop doesn’t randomly appear.

Great, now where am I going to stockpile my toilet paper?