
Definitely in the same camp here, it's half the reason why I haven't played many JRPGs in a long time, do they always have to be on handheld? Lost Odyssey was great albeit being somewhat slow at points and a lot of promise like that intro cinematic and battle which made me so excited as it was such a traditional JRPG

If only Microsoft realized if they gave people a choice between black or white twice as many people would be buying an Xbox One. 'Cause damn, that is a nice looking console. Makes the VHS player thought leave the mind right away.

Really enjoyed this article. I too am out of work at the moment and a GTA game coming out around that time is an interesting thing. I certainly much higher rank than my friends online because of it.

I still want to get this image as a tattoo.

I've been making the argument since seeing trailers for GTA V that the Michael and his son relationship sort of parallels Walter and Jessie. It's a very loose comparison but just the feel of their relationship is very similar.

It really is nothing like Pikmin.

I really like the menu sounds! They're really relaxing sounding and I love using a nice relaxing game console, that's how they should be! The Xbox One will just inevitably be annoying to use. This video sells the PS4 for me. Gonna wait until it comes in white first.

Xbox Live eventually game me free gamertag tokens when someone reported my old name "fleshy jeffrey" (so goood) haha.

I can always go back to Double Dragon II on the NES and it still makes me so pumped up.

I hate when game critics overly criticize in a non-constructive way and moan about stupid things "they" wanted in the game. The key point is they don't even make games or even really know how to. How can someone who doesn't know how to make a game bash someone for trying? They're the one slaving numerous hours for

Yeah that shit looks dope.

No offense but this console looks pretty much like garbage and no one is gonna care about it. Many because of the content and the low horsepower. It's funny that people bash the Wii U for the same thing but you know the Nintendo quality will shine through and eventually they'll be a big handful of must-play titles.

I say this again and again but I wish this was a multi-platform release on the Wii U and 3DS. It just seems to make sense with the two screens and as hard as I try to be a handheld gamer I just don't ever find the time outside of my console gaming time. If I ever just have 5 or 10 minutes to spare I just whip out my

This game is so underrated BTW. I play it with my PS2 Saturn pad on the 360 and it's a ton of fun. Of course nobody plays it though and I can never find an online lobby.

Not looking so bad anymore are we?

Parappa is the best, so on drugs.

Can't wait for this friggin' game. It's definitely gonna be the game that ends the Wii U drought for me.

Anyone know a console yet? I wanna see a final awesome wave of 360 games for as long as possible cause I ain't buying a Xbone.