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Are you sure they’re not all just the same one in disguise?

Can’t agree more, it’s one of the coolest multiplayer games I’ve ever played. The asymmetric teams and strategy elements are tops.

the PlayStation 4 version, however, is rock solid.

I could have sworn that Bravely Second got a fairly substantial patch a while after its initial release, but maybe it’s just a square enix thing.

I saw the diving board punch line coming but it didn't make it any less funny.

Figured as much. The combination of components don't make that much sense when you get down to it.

So what's the deal with that laptop? It looks too good for there not to be a catch.

I didn't realize I needed more of this in my life so badly.

It'd probaby be called "perma-dress" or something.

GOOD. I've been looking forward to being able to implement cool things in loading screens for a while, just never bothered to check the patent dates.

Halveringstid tre bekräftade!

Just not the same without him

You get all my stars.

Looks more like Jack Sparrow than that gender-bent imposter in the fourth movie did.

Best part of this game is using this character as a punching bag

Good grief, beat me to it.