The letter is an acrostic which spells out “RESIST”
Thank You...
Posted this yesterday on the giz article.
Seth Meyers continued his streak of being one of the most reasonable, cool-headed and centered late-night…
The Thin Lizzy version....
random girls will want to have sex with you
Thanks, I’ll check that out. I was just looking at Bulleit Rye and see that its just another MGP product of Indiana. I wish we could get the requirement that the bottle needs to show where the product was distilled.
Reince should txt him to say, “Congratulations, I’ll pray for your child.”
“people can really only really pay attention to a couple of things at a time.”
With all due respect, can we stop with this “changing the narrative” shit? Healthcare, Russian collusion, and everything else isn’t going anywhere. Other stories regarding this administration’s stupidity might be “trending” (ugh) certain days and times, but that doesn’t mean that we’ve forgotten everything else that’s…
Clearly you’ve never had sex with Sting.
fer realsies. which i guess isnt a surprise when i scored the angelina jolie nude patch, that shit is so 2000 and late.
I didn’t know Alive Peeing was a thing. I don’t install adult mods, because porn already exists.
Hillary would have been so badass at the g20. Can’t you just picture her with Merkel, side by side in matching pantsuits, running the fucking world?
I am completely unsurprised that laundry won.
The Sims 4 has a hard time pleasing its fandom. Whether it’s launching without pools or waiting nearly two years for…
Didn’t you notice? America took a huge downward slide between January 2009 and November 2016, when we were ruled by a communist, Muslim, anti-American, secret Muslim, Oathbreaker and Kingslayer, authoritarian tyrant who murdered President Dubya as he was liberating the oppressed and kissing babies. He was also black.…