
I own a software company. You don’t always have the luxury of being able to delay a product, so you shoot for a minimum viable product and then fix after you ship. It’s not ideal, but it’s pretty much unavoidable in many cases.

I’ve said this before, Tom Hiddleston should play The Saint. He’s way more Roger Moore than he is Pierce Brosnan, it’s an ideal fit.

Still, as late as January, some of the administration’s top figures were communicating under the radar by maintaining private email accounts

I’m not a zombie.

For some reason I read that title and thought recipes for said brains would be included. I mainly associate that show with food. Like, eating is a big part of it. I’m not a zombie.

that square enix one hit me in the feels.

we need more Tactics, Tactics ogre, and Ramza in the world.

I have alot of gifs of Marvel actors dancing saved for some reason.

New Valerian trailer giving me those Fifth Element feels...