
Warner Bros Counterpoint: We know this is gonna make a metric ass-ton of money either way and we need something to fill in the next DC movie slot as soon as possible now that both Flash and Shazaam seem to be mired in development hell. Heck, we made Suicide Squad and you guys dished out heaps of money for that. Why

Warren Ellis has done the writing for the show’s first season

Castlevania written by WARREN ELLIS?

What is man?

I’d like to see an animated version of the Amanda Conner Terra.

Winner and still champion...

I am pleased to see these advances in BotaNOM-NOM-NOMy.

Shit is bad right now, real bad... but then again:

Endlessly rewatchable #BackDoorLover

still not as good as the under-rated 2001 masterpiece

They actually missed a section of the speech:

“Big impact. Millions more black Americans. Americans like BA Baracus. Have you heard of this guy? It’s unbelievable, believe me. Great American hero. He’s a real American, really one of the greats. He was part of a team. It wasn’t - listen, it was an A Team. First class

The goatee. Games that have crap facial hair options annoy the Hell out of me. I have a goatee.... my avatar must have a goatee. And if there’s some sort of elf race I have to fanagle some sort of Drow/Dark Elf option. Games that have elves but no dark elf option, even if it’s just a color palette, bug me. But I

This Guy.

I always go with the best voice actor that I want to listen to the entire game (Male/Female) then mold the character to what I imagine they would be like from their voice.

Trump should not be allowed to nominate a Supreme Court Justice in the last year of his presidency #MicDrop

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