
Maybe its just because I am a curmudgeonly old bibliophile, but I do not trust people who openly profess that they don’t read books.

Say what you will about BvS, I certainly don’t think Ben Affleck earned that nomination for worst actor.

Every time there is an opportunity to lay bare his incompetence and fundamental indecency, and to point out the behavior rendering him unsuitable for public office, I will do it.

Saturday morning, Trump tweeted that Lewis is “all talk” and “no action”—...

What? Don’t look at me like that. There’ve been muppets in Star Wars before.

“ can’t support the troops and be for national health care; that’s illegal in this country.”

Me reacting to every name on this list:

Obama isn’t a demagogic asshole who cynically uses the worst, most base impulses of people to propel him to power.

There’s a lack of general Highlander...ness on this site!