
Even worse, the square goes into the formula for the Force, but to calculate the Power needs for any given speed, it's in there to the cubic - meaning that twice the speed means eight times the aerodynamic resistance! If your car needed, say, 150hp to overcome the aerodynamic resistance at 150mph (not including

Peanut Butter is a little over 12 times as thick as treacle if we're going by viscosity [1]. So somewhere between peanut butter [1] and ketchup [2].*

This booze hound thinks "pot fiend" is a bit much for something that is admittedly less harmful than his favorite intoxicant.

Does the 727 come with a standard trailer light plug?

I like it.

The fact that these bikers have been charged pretty much nullifies any chance that he will be charged as this lends credence to him acting in self defense and the biker being paralyzed was a direct result of his own actions and not the drivers of the range rover

It comes for free in your pants.