Thank you for the link, I'll definitely read it when I get home from work. Christie has so many skeletons in his closet that I don't understand how anyone in the know thinks he's potential president material.
Thank you for the link, I'll definitely read it when I get home from work. Christie has so many skeletons in his closet that I don't understand how anyone in the know thinks he's potential president material.
I'm confused by the presence of a toaster oven in one of the photos and it doesn't look as though it's there for storage. Who keeps one of those in a bedroom?
I've posted this video before and I'm sharing it again because it's a great story about how Emma Thompson DGAF what people think of her.
Suspected? Nah, I've always been firm in my belief that he's a total schmuck. The NY Times published an article in early 2011 which reinforced my opinion.
I don't see him often but I use a death stare when greeting him and I think he knows why.
Thanks for all the support
I haven't taken piano lessons since I was about nine, but I'll volunteer for costume duty.
Nope, he was at 100% mental capacity then and is still going strong.
It should be up to the child. I still shudder at the memory of being told to give my grandfather a hug and kiss hello only to have him stick his tongue in my ear and move it around. I practically had to kick him in the shins to get him to stop and at that point he had moved on to sucking on my neck. This happened in…
My internal dialogue keeps swinging back and forth between "awwwwwww" and "who farted?".
Teens tend to be very passionate about a variety of topics - we've all seen how devoted they can be to pop stars like Justin Bieber. Many of them apply that same intense dedication to other interests, including charitable ones. Sometimes the feeling of youthful invincibility can be a good thing.
I still stand by my idea of a Ravenna/Maleficent buddy movie.
And to think a sex scene was cut in order to make an R rating. Personally I think the movie is hilarious.
I was thinking of this video, instead:
This is why I really hope Renata continues counseling because she seemed severely depressed and some point she'll likely discover that a new nose does not solve all problems. I was one of those kids who was labelled "weird" and was bullied for everything from my love of reading books to being short to having the…
After the doctor mentioned the microsomia I could kind of see it, but even then only at certain angles where Renata's nose looked a little teeny tiny bit crooked. No one's face is perfectly symmetrical! I would bever have guessed she had microsomia. The foundation only pays for surgeries to correct "deformities" so it…
I watched the show last night. They also added a chin implant.
Thanks for the suggestion!
One of my classmates had her nose done when we were freshmen in high school. Fast forward three years and one growth spurt later and her new nose was extremely undersized for her face (I don't know how else to describe it without sounding judgemental). From a physical standpoint I'm rather uncomfortable with elective…