1st thought: Penguins hoping after butterflies is the cutest thing ever.
1st thought: Penguins hoping after butterflies is the cutest thing ever.
Gah, I'm at work at couldn't watch the live stream so I have to wait until I get home *pouts in corner*. Even though I recorded the show with my DVR I can't wait until the 3-D screening on Monday!
Is this the Barbie? There are a crapload of them leftover at my local grocery store from when the first movie came out.
I rate web design based on how much better or worse a site is compared to MySpace circa 2005. The new Target site is quite possibly on the more horrendous side of the scale. I don't know where to look and it's making me feel old and confused.
I can't tell if that's supposed to be Burt Reynolds or Freddie Mercury.
I know! I kind of want a set for hannukah too!
Benedict Cumberbatch has more sexy in his left eyebrow than Adam Levine has in his entire body.
This article is written as though having "bad" teeth is merely a self-image problem. I had horrible teeth and being told that I just needed to improve self confidence is a crock of shit. I had braces for over six years. Before orthodontics, my overbite was so bad that you could not see my bottom teeth. My upper…
Marbleworks by Discovery Toys. They still make them!
Double post
Is it weird that I instantly recognized this painting? Granted I have a fine arts degree in Photography and took a lot of art history classes, but still...
You had proof of payment so of course it was easy to have your report changed. This is an entirely different situation, which makes your experience irrelevant.
I should also add that when I see drop crotch pants I hear Tim Gunn in my head asking why there is so much bunched up fabric in the crotch region.
Actually they make sense on Bieber, because they look like pants got a baby who has taken a dump in their pants.
I've never seen anyone wearing them in person.
I don't know any women who think drop-crotch pants look good, either.