A League of Their Own!
A League of Their Own!
I teach high school and I will NEVER break up a girl fight. Boys, just stand in between them, tell everybody to calm down, it’s all over. Girls have been planning this shit for MONTHS, they will bring up petty shit from like kindergarten and they are out to murder anyone and everyone in their way. NOPE.
This guy right here is my favorite.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, after watching Moonlight all I could think was (Spoilers): that Kevin guy is the luckiest motherfucker on the planet that some awkward kid he hooked up with gets in contact and is SUPER CRAZY HOT and also has been patiently waiting for him.
What the fuck are these people doing when they go to the bathroom? Are there usually people hanging out in the bathrooms where they go? Why do they care who else is in there with them? We aren’t forming a kickball team, we’re all peeing and going about our own business.
A family friend is from that area and on the “Day Without Immigrants” he posted something on Facebook to the effect of, “hmm...didn’t notice”....it took everything in me to write, “that’s because you’re the one in the ‘bubble.’”
reminds me of friends I had as a young teenager who lost their virginities way young, under questionable circumstances.
EVERY time I think, “This is it! This is the thing!” And guys? It’s never it. It’s never the thing.
I was gonna say....hope that image is on the back and able to be seen from a distance, because some racist cop will still shoot you.
I actually think about this too much.
Seriously. My brother hated my dad because he had the nerve to enforce rules. Lord knows what would have happened if he only had my, “but I’m a cool mom!” mother as the adult in his life.
100% agree. If I submitted my leave request and just didn’t go teach on March 8, I’m just screwing over the other, already sympathetic to the cause, liberal-leaning teachers/admin. I’m not actually striking.
I’m a teacher at a low-income school in Baltimore. Most of our staff is female. I can’t do it. I won’t buy stuff or whatever, but I’m going to work.
And it was just regular ol’ political disagreements...not, “You are trying to kill me and everyone I love just for shits and giggles”
Honestly, isn’t this what we all believe he really wanted? To lose to Hillary and then make a billion dollars with TrumpTV yelling about the state of our country and pretending he could do a great job?
She’ll also be 74! I voted for her, and love her, but no.
OMGGGGG YES. Can he live in the Keebler Elf tree?!
It’s hard to keep myself from mumbling, “motherfuckin’ racist ass Keebler elf” every time I see his dumb cartoon face.
That’s what I was thinking when KellyAnne Conway said she apologized to him about the “Buy Ivanka” plug she did—they all seem to think that apologizing to him negates the fact that she broke the law. SHE BROKE THE LAW. HE IS NOT THE LAW.
Yep. Which kills me because, don’t hate me because I got it, fight for you to have it too. Shit, I love justice, I’ll help you fight for yours, just stop coming for mine.