
Seconding the less gossip/more analysis on gossip stuff. I mean, I don't want to read about the Beyonce/Jay-Z potential divorce, it's none of my business. But an article about the strain that the wife's success puts on a marriage? Or about why we feel so invested in celebrity marriages? Sign me up.

Health: Would love some non-body-shaming, non-"health nuts, they so crazy" women's health stuff. I'd love a series on workouts. But I want it in a "Just tell me what I need to do to not die" framework versus "this is how you get skinny."

1 Less Jezebelness and more Rebecca and Mark.

(And not in a "totes adorbs" kind of way: I'm talking real shit)

More Kara Brown please. More invitations to chat with awesome ladies (loved having Aisha Tyler). More coverage of issues affecting non-white women, especially online (so more intersectionality in general).More guest writers (quick and easy to make a dent in diversity too). More long reads (Pinkhams' piece on tipping

Yes, please science writers. Even if you just run the science pieces past someone with the right background to point out any dangerous misconceptions or glaring factual errors it would be a huge improvement. Writers could also incorporate corrections pointed out by people in the comment section.

A science writer, please. A women's site that bemoans the lack of encouragement and support and opportunity for women in STEM fields is great - one that actually shares and does thoughtful analysis of scientific studies and new advances with a slant towards those that might be pertinent to women would be amazing.

It would be nice to have less Kardashian and more, well, anything really.

Bring back the fucking grays. Or, like Max said yesterday, administer some sort of "flag" or "call moderator" button for spam, trolls and porn gifs.

So I'm a female scientist with an insulin pump, I'm very comfortable with my body as attached to that insulin pump, and I'm not big into beauty pageants. I don't like the ways our culture tells girls that the only thing they can do that's valuable is be pretty. However, it's still important and valuable to support

I know, isn't it super irritating to see this (undeserving, definitely not as interesting as white it-girls) Black woman get all this attention! Just so...uncomfortable for some reason. *snickers*

I'm about to blow your mind: some women like short hair...and they like to *gasp* keep it that way!! LIKE MEN! *clutches pearls*

Every color is her color.

can we please ban Cispremacy? wtf x 1000

To the dude who commented that you're alienating people with the IDGAF attitude, you might want to refer him to this gem....