
in high school i worked for JCP, and i can honestly say i have nothing bad to say about them. they were really great to their workers. and this is from high school, when i am supposed to be jaded and hate all things... i liked it there.

Well, that's just it. It's all easily said, far, far harder to do. There are lots of forces arrayed against healthy living in this country.

*hangs head*

I wonder if there was ever a time that laws weren't written by rich people and corporations and then handed over to the government for passing?

Is the competition to be a really horrible person a pastime among Republicans or is it some kind of competition?

You're right on the calico/tortie point- although the only "genetic abnormality" I've heard about the rare occurrences of a male calico is that they have little to no interest in reproduction, and are even sometimes interested in other male cats (GAY CATS. THAT'S RIGHT, FOX NEWS.)

You could be the sweetly passive-aggressive aunt who said, "I just don't believe in forcing children to be affectionate with anyone, even relatives. I think it sends a bad message about respecting boundaries."

Does anyone see a Margeary v. Sansa setup in the making?

Real Song fans who understand the book series love Sansa. Yeah, I said it.

Addendum: do not touch the bottle with un-gloved hands until it's cooled off a bit.

This is an excellent way to educate high schoolers in the correct way to set up a VPN on one's cell phone, if their 3G access doesn't penetrate buildings. Smart thinking, Eton!

Iron Man 3 has the same thing: Gwyneth Paltrow and Rebecca Hall talk about the Extremis project. Whatever else you say about them, Marvel's movies generally have cool, interesting women, and they've been rewarded for it.

Hell, the two earth women scientists don't even talk about a man until they literally hit one with their van.

I concur.

Pinterest is one of, if not the, most useful resources I use for both my personal and professional work. I use it like a visual filing system—I can categorize artists, palettes, inspiration by season or theme or whatever. I LOVE the secret boards as it allows me, to your point, to collect links to resources that

Yeah, I have naturally larger labia (and love them), and I hate how these comments tend to devolve into "Eww, they look like eight-year-olds! Barbie doll crotch! Gross!" when a lot of women naturally look like that. It reminds me of some fat acceptance people who say "Skinny women look like stick insects! Real men

"I'll be sure to pass it along! What's your name?" (whips out a pad full of random names)