
It seems like everyone in the world had more fun than me over the holidays.


I love a man who likes to be pegged.

my god, why would you want cats with opposable thumbs? In that much of a hurry to hasten the global apocalypse?!?

Seriously, genius.

Are we supposed to be on Team Shitty Lady Who Puts Up Offensive Light Display? Because I'm definitely not.

She sounds like more of a juvenile asshole than a BAMF.

Team Neighbours.

Get him a can of mushy peas and say "here you are Dad, whirled peas" with your most innocent, wide eyed look.

This. I wash my jeans after every wear. Not because of any concerns about cleanliness but because the knees bag out and the ass gets saggy and they look sloppy overall. I think it depends on the type of jeans you wear and whether you like a looser or tighter fit.


I met the BF on WoW. He was a night elf rogue, I was a gnome mage. I admired his stealth skills, he admired my arcane blast. We raided together and it worked out perfectly because he only rolled on leather, so I got a better shot at cloth. It's been 4 years now, and we've been through other MMOs (looking at you

If I can't get health advice from the comments section of a tech blog then what's the point of the internet?

Tinsel for Algernon

I get the general sentiment, but personally, I'm more of a wreck on the inside than I look to be on the outside. There are a lot of things that go into good parenting besides being thoughtful and careful and financially secure. I'm also a better aunt because I've chosen not to be a mother.

"I have answers! And I'll publish them later!"

How about 40% off at Amour Vert with code CYBER40, 30% off at Bow and Drape w/ CYBERMONDAY30, and 30% off at The Reformation with TGIBF? Bonus: all of these uber-cool labels manufacturein the U.S., and two of them use sustainable fabrics. If you want more info on-trend, beautiful clothing while still supporting fair

Hi, Ex-Mormon here and I can actually answer this one.