
If you want to include people who are not white as prominent characters, I'm not sure why you'd make the detective a white dude—that's not exactly new. But if you're looking for a bit of diversity, maybe the detective could be gay and then the femme fatale would fail in her attempts to seduce him, that'd be pretty

I jumped out of a plane this morning. That was pretty rad.

I recently moved to a North-facing, shaded apartment with a little balcony in Vancouver. Despite all of this, I planted lots of little seedlings a couple of weeks ago because I LOVE growing veggies, plants, and flowers. It makes me so stupidly happy to care for them. Everyone told me I was crazy, and that I should

I mean you are in the planning stages. Just write her however and then let a WOC read your first draft. And have her let you know if you are falling into any traps. As for descriptors I don't think there is anything wrong with black with deep skin or latino with a mezquito complexion. But then again I'm a

In regards to your first question, I think you'll be all right if you have a number of characters of color that occupy diverse roles. If you single her out for being a POC and really play that up along with her personality, I think that could be a problem. If you avoid that, and make sure the reader/viewer knows that

Hey fine people!

Ugh. I miss Friday night groupthink or whatever it is called. I was all alone last night with no Jezzies to talk to!

I love you Amy, your kids are going to grow up to be great humans

I snagged a bottle of Stark Raving White for $5 in the clearance section of my local grocery store. Nothing like trying a new wine for cheap!

I've been hooked on lemon drop martinis, and we're going out to celebrate.

This might help. It's not Cousin Violet, but it worked for me today.

has Justin Theroux never heard of Polonius? Hiding behind curtains is a great way to get stabbed.

The issue here is separating women's religious belief from a patriarchal and misogynist institution. Can you be a Muslim feminist? One could justifiably ask if you can be a Catholic feminist or a Mormon feminist. How much agency can a woman be said to have in a religious culture that pretty much denies it?

Nothing says "Let's combat sexism and rape culture" quite like telling teenage girls "What you wear is responsible for how men behave."

Thank you! So many people dismiss Betty as the worst character on the show, or as vapid, a bad mother, an ice queen. She is obviously so much more and such a great portrayal of the kind of frustration that would result from striving to achieve things that are expected of a woman of the time and sublimating her own

I think Betty is like a lot of people who got sidetracked in life and/or never even knew their calling, and I can relate to that right now. I think a lot of people these days can relate to that. I also like her because she's weak in character yet she perseveres and doesn't seem to be afraid. It's her uncertainty that