
I hang 'em up to air out overnight over my closet door. Greatly increases the number of wears before smelliness.

Find yourself a bootblack; restoring and cleaning leather is what they live for. They're often a part of your local fetish community, but I promise they are nice, helpful people who will not squick you out if you're not involved in said community. A Google search might be helpful. Seriously, I watched a guy over the

I think I love you for this comment. The bit about not knowing when you'll be able to stop being so effing poor really hit home. It took three years of hard, hard work for retail salary to find a job that would pay me a livable wage, with benefits and respect for what I do—all while holding a college degree that was

I remember learning that drugs play a major role in the spread, as well. My high school biology teacher told my class that inner-city youth of color were at the highest risk, because they are at the highest risk for intravenous drug use and sharing needles. Drug users also tend to not really practice safe sex, at

In a more serious note than others are using to answer you, it's because Thanksgiving isn't really about history or related things anymore. It's about being thankful, especially for your family and your ability to eat while acknowledging that many people don't have those things. Also, it's pretty much the only major

All images of people are retouched, and I think that's what we forget. Sure, we remember that high-fashion stuff is retouched, and so are advertisements for higher-end stuff and makeup advertisements. But it's easy to forget that the images for that Target coat I was looking at earlier have a re-touched model, too,

Serious question: Are these things hella comfy or something? Because it could be the only redeeming quality for an article of clothing so ugly, universally unflattering and just plain infantalizing.

Cloche definitely won't work with any kind of up-do. I love love love my cloche, but I almost never wear it because I wear my hair up everyday.

I'm glad this question was asked. I need another winter hat, myself, and I *always* wear my butt-length hair up, so I need something that would work with that. Suggestions?

Which I find funny, myself. I hate being on top; it literally does nothing for me. I feel essentially nothing physically, and then I get bored and feel awkward mentally. To each their own! (Which is probably how the article should have ended, but whatever.)

Maybe doesn't do much for some women, but it definitely is the easiest position to orgasm in for me.


I came here to ask this exact question! Please, someone educate us!

Isn't there a component here of girls with braces being "cuter" than those without? Not sexier or more attractive, but strait-up cuter. I'm pretty sure that's a thing...

I will admit to hating some of those, but the ones I hate the most are equal-opportunity for men. (Beanies puffing up off one's head, shoulder pads.) Equality?

I'm really surprised by how little actual food is in the fridges. (With the exception of that veggie monstrosity and the take-out heaven.) But I really shouldn't talk. As a single 20-something, I mainly have sandwich makings and lots and lots of Lean Cuisine for lunches at work.

There was a time, less than five years ago, when $17,ooo was my salary for an entire year.

This is awesome to know! My mom worked for the NSA back in the 80s before I was born because people in suits found out she spoke Russian after she joined the Air Force. To this day, she will not talk about what she did there. She also will neither confirm nor deny if she was a spy. The most I ever got from her was

So jealous. I feel I will always be chasing after the dream with TH. So lovely.

I like the way you think, lady. Me? I'm still trying to induce a dream with both the British dreamboats: Hiddleston and Cumberbatch.