
I've been there, sweetie. That relationship ended for me in February. Sending hugs and good thoughts your way.

That kitty! Oh, if kitty is loving, but in the wants to be near you way, not the snuggles way, much to my dismay. And thank you for the advice. I actually did meet this guy on OKC. I find it does work well when you're willing to put the work into it. )I go back and forth on if I want to, these days.)

I do love me some peaches, being from South Carolina. Thank you.

This cat is my spirit animal. Thank you!

I love self-esteem penguin! Thanks for sharing. I know I'll feel better eventually, and my friends are already helping. I just feel like shit right now because he walked out, like, 8 hours ago.

Puppy rush! Thank you. :)

Thank you. I think friends are a good place to focus now.

The problem is, this was the first relationship after a very long and serious one ended back in February. This was supposed to be my ease-in and I guess I just liked this guy way more than he liked me. I'm not sure if that makes it hurt more or less.

Dating myself may be the best advice I've ever gotten about this situation. Thank you.

That was most excellent, thank you! I laughed loud enough to make my roommate wonder what I was doing. :)

Freshly broken-hearted and ready to give up on dating forever. I know you've been there, too. Coping techniques? Advice on meeting people when I'm already super social and outgoing? Merits of one dating website over another? Sympathy in the form of your favorite youtube videos of silly animals?

You should check out of some of Hannah Hart's advice videos. She's known for My Drunk Kitchen, which maybe isn't appropriate to show in high school, but I don't know anyone who doesn't love her and she gives honest, uplifting advice about all kinds of things in her other videos.

There are a million things I could thank a million people for. Video games have changed my life, and always for the better. But in the interest of keeping this readable, I want to thank Naughty Dog in particular for one specific thing. (Mild spoilers if you haven't finished the winter chapter of The Last of Us.)

That was a really powerful speech. Thank you for recommending it. Yet another reason that abstinence-only education is just harmful.

I'm glad it's not a permanent situation for you. Just don't forget to stay in touch with your sister and mother. Best of luck with your counseling and may your future bring brighter days!

I've been a bit worried about that before, but I'm pretty sure he knows I would never do that. He jokingly wolf-whistled at me the other day, when I was there and hadn't even realized he was working. I could not stop laughing when he did it, and he actually came out from behind the counter and hugged me. (Which made

I had a dream where Tom Hiddleston and I were walking through the woods, having used to date before he broke up with me because he decided he wasn't worthy of me or some shit. I spent the whole dream telling him that he was being stupid and we were meant to be and eventually he agreed and gave me the best kiss ever.

That's hilarious! And one of his coworkers actually did try to give me his number the other day. I'll take it as a sign. Thanks for the encouragement!

Definitely take up the free counseling offered by your school. Absolutely take it. And don't blame your sister for the way she reacts. We all have our ways of dealing with feeling out of control. I'm much more inclined to react like her than you; doing nothing makes me feel more like shit than any abuser could.

That was fantastic, thank you!