
The only bothersome thing I see is her lowered chin. If she'd picked up her chin to look strait at the viewer instead of down her nose, it would better. It's always a more flattering look. But that's just my personal taste. The portrait looks exactly like her, as far as I can tell. It's not like she's really that

The only bothersome thing I see is her lowered chin. If she'd picked up her chin to look strait at the viewer instead of down her nose, it would better. It's always a more flattering look. But that's just my personal taste. The portrait looks exactly like her, as far as I can tell. It's not like she's really that

The only bothersome thing I see is her lowered chin. If she'd picked up her chin to look strait at the viewer instead of down her nose, it would better. It's always a more flattering look. But that's just my personal taste. The portrait looks exactly like her, as far as I can tell. It's not like she's really that

The only bothersome thing I see is her lowered chin. If she'd picked up her chin to look strait at the viewer instead of down her nose, it would better. It's always a more flattering look. But that's just my personal taste. The portrait looks exactly like her, as far as I can tell. It's not like she's really that

Yes! Plus, on my very first exam (that my mother made me get a 18, and which I was told by the doctor that I didn't need until I was 21), the doctor just SHOVED the damn brush inside me, acted extremely impatient with me and it wasn't until I was in TEARS that she wanted to know what was wrong and I actually fucking ap

How do European courts do it?

These are the perfect candidate for a stuffed animal. They already look just like them! I want to squish them with love!

I do the exact same thing. I don't get taken seriously when I speak in my "proper" voice for singing, and lots of people claim to not understand me. (I still think it's partly their fault for not even trying, but whatever. I work in customer service so I just deal with it.)

I got it! I have the next two days off, so I'll write you this weekend. :)

Maybe talk to her directly? Mention that you had an ED when you were younger, and how fucked up a disease it is, and what it did to you, and then tell her that she can always talk to you about it or anything. Stress that you won't judge her, and will help her get better from the disease. It won't solve the problem,

So, the files I sent over via that temp email were somehow corrupted...So if you still would like a letter, send me your address to my real email: allest03 at gmail dot com. (I've decided there are worse things than if some HR person finds my email here and sees I like sending mail.)

So, the files I sent over via that temp email were somehow corrupted...So if you still would like a letter, send me your address to my real email: allest03 at gmail dot com. (I've decided there are worse things than if some HR person finds my email here and sees I like sending mail.)

Not to mention that some of us have health issues that mean if we go more than four hours without eating, we get dizzy and nearly pass out, and/or become total assholes to be around.

I feel you. I could use more living Pinterest instead of looking at Pinterest, myself.

Most women who lead an active life (ie, have played sports or done anything other than sit around after puberty) don't have a hymen anymore. It's never been a good indicator of virginity. It is meant to go away during/after puberty because it's meant to keep stuff out of the vagina before puberty.

Yeah, apartments are stupid expensive here...I found a place north of here that is ~$800-850 a month, but that's still too much thanks to working retail and a shit-ton of student loan payments. I see a lot of room rentals in Baltimore city for less than $500, with two or three other people, but I'm not sure how that

Yay! Send your address to this temp email:

I think they disabled the messages feature? I got a 24-hour email thingy:

Anyone up for some snail mail? I love writing letters and have lots of awesome stationary. You don't have to write me back/not necessarily looking for a pen pal (although if you do that would be awesome.) If you like happy mail boxes, let me know!

Congrats! May it bring you much happiness. :)