Why is Jon Snow not eligible? If anything nephew is a little *too* distant for a Targaeryen marriage.
Why is Jon Snow not eligible? If anything nephew is a little *too* distant for a Targaeryen marriage.
Agreed. Frankly I don't get why people like the music from the show so much. The theme is catchy and some motifs are OK, but the development/instrumentation is weak Remote Control drivel. I'll grant, though, that Djwandi stepped up his game this episode. The first 20 minutes was very well done.
I doubt he'll pen another episode of the show. His relationship has been strained with it for a while, and understandably so. It's all his own doing, but as someone who dabbles in creative pursuits I don't envy the position he's in. Having other people take over your story must really take the oomph out of ones…
I assume by "series" you mean end of the season. Dany's gonna set sail for Westeros this episode. Next year is Dany invasion.
He had one at the Battle of Castle Black. You'd think he would have brought one along…
It's probably also a time factor. Battle of the Bastards took 25 days to film, and that was really pushing it.
The simpler days when this show was way better? Season 6 has been "awesome" but I feel like a lot of the nuance has gone.
Random guess, if they have $100m per year they can spread that over 7 episodes instead of 10. There's going to be many epic ice/fire clashes, no? They simply can't afford to make that many given that Battle of the Bastards cost $30m.
Play Wolfenstein The New Order. It's not far off.
Yeah. If they didn't try to shoehorn in the Alien stuff it would have been even better IMHO. And it looked stunning, as you'd expect from Scott.
Kinky times while she dresses up as Catelyn? *shudder*
Don't give Norman Bates any ideas.
She's pretty close now though. She's got the attitude down. Now just needs to up her Persuasion/Charisma level a few notches.
I don't think he wants out. Liam Cunningham is a cool, chill dude.
He has more negotiating game than Jon and Sansa combined though. Think of the 62 Mormont men (and lady) they wouldn't have had without him!
That's coz it's an actual dude composited, no? But it's very good compositing, that's for sure.
The third one is weak, but I did like the ending shot with the door left open. That was a nice note to end on.
I'm guessing…of house Tully?
I agree, but the thing is, that scene is not character/relationship-building material. It's just dumb, and makes Tyrion look like a caricature of himself. I really like this season overall, but the show used to be able to do scenes that were rich character/relationship-building material *as well* as feeling like they…
I believe the costume designer for the show since the start left this year. It is noticeable.