
OMFG. those sounds! AHHHHH!!! He's all "stop eeeet! mahhhhh-aahmmmuh!"

Hammy, you are REEEEEEDIC!

It's not a "perfect" show, but then I don't really expect that, y'know? But it is definitely super gay. And way more racially/ethnically diverse than most shows. And actually has a nuanced, complex, respectful portrayal of a trans woman (Laverne Cox is SO GOOD, too!), which is sort of a miracle in itself. And it is

Well, it was actually just description, not deprecation. All of those words are descriptors (of some of the obvious ways that I am different than Conan O'Brien) and I don't think of any of them negatively.

Positive reinforcement via treats will help, if he's into that. Or those doggie booties they sell!

Flecks of dog spittle are the BEST, OBVIOUSLY. Mmmm, deeeeelicious.

This was LITERALLY me during that whole video.*

Remember years ago when Bjork punched a reporter for trying to get at her through her then-school-aged son? I'm generally in favor of non-violent solutions, but I totally get the "don't fuck with my kid" mama bear instinct.

I don't really know anything about her, but let's hope she's using her door-opening powers to open doors in return for more women of color writers, directors, and producers. She might as well use all that privilege.

Thank you for that inspired riff on jam.

I'm still sort of in awe about how he managed to make TB look hot.

"a Shalimar woman named Sally Colburn who lost her husband in May had been waiting for her to send him a sign."

Although, circle of life: plant it, a new potato plant grows out of it, plant one of the potatoes from that one, and keep it goin'. Sentimentality achieved due to how easy it is to grow potatoes!

On topic: if you don't mind being a terrible, horrible, no-good person who does not give rich cable companies monthly stipends, you can do like I may or may not do and stream it online at a site like couchtuner for free. (don't download, though—that way lies only viruses. just stream.)

Completely OT:
I hate it when there's no evening Dirtbag from Ms. West. My night feels so incomplete.

Well, sure technically rubber is porous. But those pores are microscopic and are way too small to let sperm and other beasties through. Like many effective lies, it takes a grain of truth and twists it.

God, Taye Diggs. Taye Diggs style, Taye Diggs smile, Taye Diggs seemingly like a really sweet partner who has a loving and funny relationship. GOD.

omg, that mama tiger is too damn cute. I want to loll around with her and snuggle.

I love a good nerd rage rant.

Right? This is just creepy as all hell.