
Um, I really love the idea of Red being one of Janeway's ancestors.

She's just so obviously biased that it fills me with impotent rage.

Tainted jury? Fuck, I don't know. Sometimes there is such a clear distinction between what's actually right and moral and what our legal system does that I don't even know how to wrap my brain around it. And then I'm all like:

Aww! I wonder if it fills the same or similar sort of function for her as thunder shirts do?

Mistrial, anyone? Please? Does our fucked-up system allow for that? JEEZUS.

I just fucking love dogs. They're so weird and awesome.

I hear ya, but my dog goes naked in the house when I'm home. Anything I can do to give him a break from collar rub helps his fur!

Well, I did my part with this comment anyway! Starred and replied to! They'll add up and you'll be in the black...

You know Supernatural is totally going to steal that Velocirapture idea for their umpteenth season...

Dear Mr. Timberlake:

Seriously. Especially when I had a giant fibroid living in my uterus: width not depth!

At that point, I think those are just hot pants.

I saw something like this on the street the other day and my first thought was "NON-CONSENSUAL BUTT DISPLAY!"

I dunno...I don't really want to see that much of anyone's butt outside of a sex party or the swimming pool. Then again, I'm getting increasingly crotchety in my middle age, soo...

I don't even know what burner means. My tech knowledge is like Swiss cheese: totally solid and delicious in some places, giant random holes in others.


It's totally valid to not want to interact with your period blood but I would just like to point out that other methods are not unhygienic.

I totally understand that and that is NOT AT ALL what I said. Trolls DO belong in the gray area, and if people respond them, that will bump them up and out, which we don't want, right?

Nope, people just have to recommend and/or comment on your posts often enough. So if you're a regular commenter and you have things to say that people like or are interested in, you'll get out of the gray eventually. I often look through the gray posts just to try to bump people out, and I know other non-gray folks

Yep, it's about recommending and commenting. I try to do one or both when I see a good comment that's in the gray! It can take a while.

I completely understand that "gray post ≠ troll"—I just said that they should stay there.