
Honestly, with the way Stephen Amell has trolled fans by meaning a statement as literally as possible (saying he won’t be putting the arrow suit back on after the past season...because he’s getting a new suit and sounding like he’ll most likely be the Green Arrow and not the Arrow, things like that), I could see him

Ahem. I think we’re forgetting something

You probably would still like it. Even taking out the fact that Johnny is more or less a character on it as it is, part of the base premise is that the dad, Dr. Venture, was the Johnny-Quest style adventure kid when he was a kid, and that’s part of why he’s such a complete mess of an adult. It’s a pretty brilliant

But that’s not even its final form.

They are very enthusiastic walks.

Okay, so I might be reading too much in to what might just be costuming, but it's a theory none the less. Someone on here mentioned (or, well, probably several people mentioned) that they think Wells might still be in Thawne/Wells, a'la Martin and Ronnie. If that's the case, I think they might have hinted at it in

Look, we're all missing the most important question here:

If nothing else it deserves a spot due to being at one point an incredibly giant robot piloted by a less giant (but still immense) robot piloted by a giant robot which it itself is a giant robot and a smaller-but-still-not-tiny robot put together. It's so many giant robots at once.

At the end of the day, The Venture Bros might be my favorite television show, let alone cartoon.

Infinity points for your use of Venture Bros/Mecha Shiva

It is pitch dark

It has taken all of my willpower to not go to checkout with everything I've added to my cart from his site already.

...and after saying that, turns out he also makes an entire CT poster collection. This is potentially dangerous to my wallet.

Other reasons you don't become a Smash character are if you happen to be Geno or Ridley.

...sorry, I couldn't resist. And honestly I'm assuming Square probably owns the rights to Geno anyway.

The sort-of-official combat rebalance mod actually changes the dodge roll to more of a sidestep/backstep type thing when in combat, I think, which feels much better (been a little bit since I've played it though). I also think they're going with something like that in Witcher 3.

Yes. Very yes. Funnily enough it's not actually the pilot, which (in my opinion at lest) is much weaker. Though frankly the show just consistently gets better.

"My name is...Revenge."

"Your name is Phantom Limb, you lunatic."

My thoughts exactly.

They are the crimebusters of the sea, after all. And holy crap I hadn't thought about that show in decades.