
I'm guessing a lot of this is from Edge of the Empire. Which I might add is a lot of fun. My GM actually worked on it, I think it was his first non-warhammer book with them.

I'm guessing a lot of this is from Edge of the Empire. Which I might add is a lot of fun. My GM actually worked on it, I think it was his first non-warhammer book with them.

Please, game of the year? You take that stupid talk out of here, there's no way it's game of the year. I mean, no way it's just game of the year. It's clearly the game of all years forever.

I have been waiting for this moment for what feels like an eternity. Game of the year, all years. Calling it now.

I scrolled down specifically to make this exact comment. Yes please more Tetrisphere.

Oh definitely, I guess I more meant the...I guess we could call it the "King Radical" arc is probably about wrapped up (not that it's necessarily done with King Radical, but his big plan was both revealed and foiled), it including like, at least 5 other pretty huge story arcs. Man I love this comic.

I do very much enjoy Grrlpower, it's pretty great. Though I got spoiled by two weeks of double updates so now it feels like it's taking forever.

Not going to lie that I clicked on this with the hope of seeing The Adventures of Dr. McNinja, and I'm so glad to see it there. It's actually just finishing up what is probably the second really big, multi-issue plot arc, too, so likely about to be at a very good jumping on point.

Admittedly for an SFIV game the graphics/framerate will probably be more or less exactly the same (though that said I imagine we'll have higher resolution, I imagine the console versions are 720p).

Move all 'ZIG'

The article mentions that When Tennant's doctor did a partial regeneration to heal from being shot by the Dalek in Journey's End, that still counted as using up one of the regenerations.

Came here for the Zork reference. Got it. Did not expect to be beaten to the Frontalot reference though!

I always noticed Windfall and Forest Haven, honestly didn't notice the Kokiri theme, which is a neat touch.

It's so wonderfully absurd that I think I can agree on that. In my mind I think it'd need to be animated and not live action though.

I honestly don't think CT needs a remake at all, though I'd love for a virtual console release of (effectively) the DS version. Just to add in all the extra stuff to a full console version, and, well, because I just want to play it on a home console I still have hooked up to a TV and not just a handheld (though I

I was scrolling down the comments specifically to see if anyone would mention Baiten Kaitos. I'm also now reminded that I never actually finished the game. Did not see the twist coming at all, though, man did that come out of left field (yet work so, so well).

My understanding is that Enter The Dominatrix, a DLC involving getting super powers in a virtual world run by aliens, was going to be a DLC pack for SRIII. That then got expanded into being Saints Row IV. The name "Enter the Dominatrix" was then reused as the name of the first major DLC for IV, and now being a bit

Maybe I'm misreading it, but my understanding is they just decided to reuse the name as the name for the first SRIV DLC.

Row row, fight the powah!

For bringing anything Dr. McNinja related into this conversation, you are a hero.