get goatfucked if you tear through a construction zone in canada and a cop catches you. get goatfucked if you tear through a construction zone in canada and a cop catches you.
love this reply thread. so many delicious morning sorts.
my favorite part is how he turns his back on the play afterwards.
i liked drive. lol
this is hurtfully sad.
love that analogy.
because they’re old... and white! lol.
u so craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Z
Bad Idea Hat
i did this once... the paramedics had to ask me to politely shut the fuck up so they could help my wife, who was on the badside of the Tboned red light runner.
best one forsure.
i dont leave home without suiting up in that preicse armor.
no, he stole it from wesley snipes in demolition man lol.
omg he looks like wesley snipes from demolition man.
understandable, i live in canada, everything is good here except government has too many choices to make, from too many different sides trying to pull all at once.
i recommend this game to every single steam owner i know.
love the /s
probably works well when your combined populations are under 50 million.
president trophy winners dont usually have a good track record when it comes to taking home the cup.