Troll harder, don’t have to. The evidence is in the pudding, Clinton raped women and Hillary covered it up. You are a fucking hypocrite if your vote is for Hilla bitch the enabler.
Troll harder, don’t have to. The evidence is in the pudding, Clinton raped women and Hillary covered it up. You are a fucking hypocrite if your vote is for Hilla bitch the enabler.
Obviously you don’t give a shit if you are supporting Hillary.
There’s that word again, it doesn’t mean shit. You fucking idiots use it when you have nothing intelligent to say. Please go slap your mother for giving birth to a fucking idiot.
Democrats, the party of slaves in the past and present. Good luck with that free college. As soon as it is passed, watch colleges raise their tuition 100 percent. Just like they feel entitled to raise them the past 20 years triple the inflation rate.
Billy boy raping woman and hilla bitch covering it up. Makes you kind of a hypocrite considering the bullshit rape allegations always being thrown around this and other liberal sites.
Perfect example of ‘privilege”.
If I was Chick fil a and Home depot, I really don’t care what you and your progressive buddies think. Every time you pull your progressive shit, my sales go up.
How about all the racial slurs that were thrown around in Ferguson. I suppose you’re okay with the rioting and threats?
Since you causally want to bring race into this. This woman is a sunday school teacher compared to what happened in Ferguson.
Is it short term memory or full blown Alzheimer’s. It was Billy boy that put all your brothers in jail in the first place. Hillary on the other hand feels you all will make fine butlers in her white house. After all the democrats have always been and will always be the party of slaves.
Perfect example of why kids are so fucked up these days. We’re suppose to give them A for effort. Doesn’t matter if they can’t read or write. What’s the big deal if they do to know how to solve a math problem. When they grow up and are unable to find a job, we’ll just sit them down in front of the TV and send them a…
He was “unsecured” because he was combative.
“For allowing themselves to be beholden to an interest group that makes its money off of paranoia and blood and violence.”
Your source is a ultra left wing rag, that is interviewing ultra left wing dipshit. Here’s a little education you, the left has a goal to disarm the citizens of this country. They will write and say anything to accomplish their goals. Continue to drink the koolaid and following along and be a good little sheeple to…
I’m gonna save this little comment of yours, and if by chance something like this happens, I’ll be sure to refer it to the proper authorities. Sounds to me that you have this all planned out and people like you scare me.
Majority of the shooters vote Democrat. Your own party is killing you, and you have drank the kool-aid they actually have you thinking it was the other guy. Way to go sheeple.
You gonna be there to take them, or are your gonna be hiding in your safe place. Cause i wanna be there, so I can laugh my ass off, as you’re told in a nice manner, to go fuck yourself.
Actually the “well regulated militia” refers to the National Guard.
Please provide a list of any Country in the world that has a military that uses the weapon that was used by the Islamic Terrorist in Florida.
“big Bush and baby Bush are kissing the ring” Did I miss something, didn’t realize they were running for president again. But I realize you dipshit always look the other way when your own kind plays the game.