
Keep missing that comma.

Convenient that you left out all the terrorist acts committed by Islamic terrorist. But what the fuck, like all quasi PC gawker minions your only mission is for the progressive cause and not the facts.

That’s what’s wrong with you pussified progressive, you have selective reading skills.

“Please don’t start applying the stupidity of a couple of shitty people as being the mindset of the entire Corps”

Because it’s always one thought “TAKE GUNS AWAY”

Every single day 22 veterans commit suicide, our government couldn’t give a shit. What makes you think, shooting events that occur once in awhile should take priority.

I agree, so what are we going to do about Clinton receiving between 10 and 25 million dollars from Saudi Arabia. You know the guys that funded the 9/11 attacks.

My question is, have I missed the 5 articles written by Ms. Merlan concerning the female teachers that have been caught in the last month fucking their pre teen students.

Hasn’t stopped her in the past.

She studied under and was close personal friend of Saul Alinsky. If not any of the other criminal acts she has committed, the fact she is a follower of Saul should scare you into voting Republican.

It is, if you’re a progressive.

Love how this gets your panties in a bunch, but you’re okay with the message this other kid is displaying.

“highly trained” Okay, you keep believing that.

If these celebrities didn’t spend thousands of dollars a year for ARMED security, I would be impressed.

mother was getting some on the side

“Why not provide and equip them with the tools they need to make informed, safe decisions?”

How is an 18 year student the victim when having an affair with a 24 year old teacher.

“Hillary is accused of being complicit in the personal destruction of the women who have accused bill of sexual assault and rape, including their reputations and credibility.

Pimping is slavery.

I didn’t realize these words were copyrighted.