I considered that. And then remembered I don’t have siblings.
I considered that. And then remembered I don’t have siblings.
when she started bobbing its head tho .....
got dammit just when I think i’m gonna be an ice queen who won’t have kids, one of these little idiots does something crazy like this and it’s like, why wouldn’t I want this constant source of entertainment??
the groom
yeah it’s less about the age gap and more that he looks like her fucking grandpappy.
A security guard at my job called me over with a grave voice this morning. There was commotion in our lobby, and we had a bomb scare in NYC over the weekend, so I legit thought something serious was happening. Then all he said to me was: “smile!”
Eggsackly. We are some of the most gassingest up people ever! We love getting hype over shit! Like have people not seen the videos of white people dabbing or whatever and all the black people egging on in the background?
I wish we would stop normalizing fuck shit
As highly rated as Usher is, I really think he’s underrated. He should be in more MJ comparison conversations because the dude is great.
yes! that and the little girl in the mural at Hartsfield stretching out her arms. they covered it up with a dumb ass ad for a while, and they must have gotten push back. Because the mural returned when I came back home.
Mannnn, listen, Usher is perfection. I’ve been to x number of Beyonce concerts and all of them are undoubtedly in my top 5. Yet and still, even though I consider her the greatest entertainer of our generation in terms of her consistency, I still can’t put any of her concerts above the one concert I’ve seen of…
yoo everyone always brings up that ticking moonwalk! it’s just classic Usher.
Well, there are a lot more, but it’d be too obnoxious to list all of them haha. But, for example’s sake, there was also Martin, Moesha, In Living Color, Thea, Sinbad, Roc, The Wayan’s Brothers, Living Single, etc. etc.
I know you’re really from atlanta too cuz only natives (younger ones at least) call it the A.
And Same Difference’s point is that regardless of a word’s technical definition, connotation is important. A swastika is a sacred symbol used around the world, but it connotes something else entirely to a Jewish person and a shit ton of other people.
This is one of the best reviews yet about this show. And it’s also a reminder why we need more writers/editors of color. Most reviews I’ve seen, particularly in mainstream publications, are a bit pedestrian in their observations, focusing mostly on making distinctions between this show and other black centered…
I hate people