Maarten van der Westen

There are only 150 2015+ Mustangs in the Netherlands. Belgium has over 5000 of them, making them the country with the most Mustangs per 1000 persons in the world. All thanks to taxes in the not-so-united-Europe.

Can’t the guy build a garage around his truck? I doubt it will be an issue if the truck is stored into a building that is legally built on his premisses.

>>That stick sits just below a dash thats likely eerily familiar to you as its basically that of the S95 Ford Mustang<<

Started out with a green car, but after that only blue cars for me. The brighter blue the better. Currently both my cars are bright blue.

I would buy one for myself as a daily if not for the position of the steering wheel.

To me, an 80s kid, its still the most beautiful Ferrari ever made.

On my 98 Mustang you cannot turn on your turning signal when steering the other direction. My old 95 Mustang had the same quirk. Especially annoying while on a roundabout: you are steering left and you cannot signal to the right you want to exit. The turning signal lever will just resist.

This happened to me just last week. It was already a disaster morning: cold shower, no milk, things dropping out of the cupboard...

This movie makes me want to run to the garage and take the car out for a spin. Beautifully done.

When I was 21, my first time ever outside of Europe, and my first big trip ever was a job working for 3 months at a summer camp in New Jersey as a camp counselor. As the kids went home on the weekends, part of the job was picking up kids on Monday mornings and delivering them on Friday afternoon.