It will also involve getting drug companies to lower their prices and make PrEP more accessible and available. I wouldn’t bet on it...
It will also involve getting drug companies to lower their prices and make PrEP more accessible and available. I wouldn’t bet on it...
Very true! In another article I read, it stated that it was the Heritage Foundation who sponsored their trip to the U.S. *barf*
Your point that no birth control method is foolproof is a good one. It’s still important to know that only about half (51%) of abortion patients in the United States reported that they had used a contraceptive method in the month they became pregnant and condoms and the pill are the methods most reported. Source
With good insurance (typically only available through an employer), it’s not that expensive.
Don’t you dare defame my two sweet Chrises like that...
The Hobby Lobby decision was about which employers were able to make use of the exemption carved out in the original ACA. Hobby Lobby argued that even though they’re a huge company, they are “closely held” meaning not publicly traded and with only a small number of people (in their family) having a stake in the…
This is the year we can’t afford to do this every time a new person announces. I’m not saying we have to hold hands and sign kumbaya with every democrat, but let’s be fucking thoughtful about it and not write folks off the minute they don’t live up to our perfect ideals. The right united behind a man they all tore…
If you haven’t seen The Price of Gold (ESPN’s 30 for 30 on it) you may want to check that out. I found it to be more factual and even than I, Tonya.
It also depends on folks’ anatomy. Some vaginas are longer than others, some because of a tipped uterus make it really tough to reach the cervix. So while things won’t go anywhere, they may be downright impossible to reach if the angles/flexibility aren’t there.
Exactly! And I can certainly allow that as Dushku has talked about being a survivor of sexual abuse (maybe only attempted? I’m fuzzy on the details right now and too lazy to look them up), she might be a lot less tolerant of laughing about rape. Which is still not her fucking problem, it’s the problem of the asshole…
Most women did not need this article to understand the distinction.
said Caitlyn, who has that lilting North Carolina accent that makes everything sound gentle, even when it’s not.
Now let’s hope he never makes another video where he stalks a woman and thinks it’s sexy.
Pissing contest winner
Ugh, Linda Cardellini is 17 years younger than Viggo yet playing his wife. God forbid a woman over 50 appear on screen as a wife.
Also, how about all those assholes at the party who were not immediately like, “This is fucking offensive and you better go wash that blackface off before you even think about enjoying the party.” Other white people, this was your moment to step up and you missed it. Even if you don’t care about blackface or if you do…
If someone needs blackface to do Tina, they’re doing it all wrong.
Your last paragraph is why I’ve intentionally stopped commenting on weight loss of folks. If they bring it up and are looking to be celebrated, that’s one thing. I don’t know someone’s story and have been wrong in the past. My “favorite” was when someone complimented me on my weight loss and when I responded that I…
It’s important to note that this was a plea deal, not a jury conviction. It’s good either way.