Then they’ll just arrest and prosecute the women who take the pills.
Then they’ll just arrest and prosecute the women who take the pills.
Yup. Those are three of my first questions, and I include abortion as well. I mean, I don’t typically start out right like that, but those four all come up on a first date for me or earlier...
When I was prescribed it once, way back when it was still pretty new, the nurse grabbed my hand and told me not to take it until I was in bed, in pjs, ready to sleep. She was dead serious and I was grateful for the warning.
Someone there has something against women. It’s hard to tell who/what is causing it.
The exact same thing happened to my dog when he was about the same age. Wouldn’t eat, tired, then all of a sudden, heart failure. It was awful and the only thing that helps is time. My new pup is over a year, and I still check to make sure he’s breathing at least once a week because I’m so worried from the last time.
If they’d talked to anyone who knows anything about sexual abuse prevention, they could have still kept the scene but framed it the way you do for kids: that sometimes adults have to look at private parts to make sure they’re clean and healthy. But you get to talk about that with your parents (owner) and they are…
And *especially no* if we’re looking at young people. The number who identify as something other than straight and cisgender is far more significant than all movies and TV shows would have us believe.
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This is the kind of hard hitting journalism I need in my life right now. Off to Wendy’s and the liquor store...
Also the fact that it’s in a school setting. Something like this could be both (sexual assaults that happen at schools and workplaces are a form of sexual harassment) and it would be up to the lawyer filing which statute they think they have a stronger case of convincing was violated. My guess is that it’s tied to the…
I didn’t care about the running in heels bit. The “I’m a bitchy, broken woman because I don’t want kids until I meet a man and nearly get my nephews killed” bit almost made me leave the theater.
It’s even more deceptive because there are nearly 20 other health centers (Maine family Planning, Mabel Wadsworth) that provide abortion and other comprehensive sexual health services to the entire rest of the state. So while that first one is only Planned Parenthood, it’s not like the rest of the state is on its own.
Stupid morons- Planned Parenthood in Maine only overs the southern portion. Maine Family Planning, an independent entity that also provides abortions covers the rest of the state with 18 clinics.
exactly my point.
Would they rather have Shameless teach their kids about sex? Because they are all watching that show.
It’s actually much better than not pulling out! For adults, it’s about 76% effective at preventing pregnancy. Internal condoms are about 79%. Doing nothing is about 15% effective. So it’s better than nothing, but there are lots of much better options. And it does nothing for STD prevention. Young people are definitely…
No one ever got pregnant from information.
Scar WAS the sexiest Disney villain, thanks to that voice. Too bad it’s attached to a trash person...
And Snakeface. I still listen to that song far too often.