
But she also wanted a career and realized that this was one way to make that happen. If she also had a wife whose job was to raise all of the kids, then she was free to have a full time, demanding career as she wanted, rather than chained to domesticity as she otherwise would have been.

I can’t speak for everywhere, but in my corner of the US, medication abortion is as widely available as surgical abortion and the cost is actually the same.

You aren’t recalling correctly. The first pill is intended to stop the pregnancy from developing further. It sort of blocks any hormones being sent from the mother to the pregnancy. The second pill is the one you’re thinking of- it softens and opens the cervix and prompts uterine contractions and cramping. So the

So fucking true.

It’s real easy to get lower crime statistics if you just call every murder a suicide and say every theft was just someone misplacing their property.

I heard it in a presentation from someone who directs an HIV prevention research organization. You’ll have to google it to get the exact citation. Or, we could think about it this way. There have been 3 people in the US infected with HIV while on PrEP (ish- there tends to be news coverage). How many people are using

When it comes to HIV, studies have actually shown that PrEP is better at preventing HIV than condom use in MSM. Now, ideally people would use both, or would use condoms with partners whose status is unknown. Reality is that PrEP alone is very, very good at preventing HIV infection. Nothing is 100%, and PrEP does

And you know what, at this point I will fucking take it. As long as the bill doesn’t pass, we can keep fighting it. Every day it doesn’t pass, the momentum shifts. I’d love it if the party is too divided to get anything done and this is the swan song of the party of “small” government.

Part of this is incorrect. As another poster stated above, “defunding PP” means that people who have health insurance provided by the government (Medicare/Medicaid) can’t come to PP and use their insurance for services. That’s not a majority for many PPs, but it’s a huge chunk of money that can’t easily be made up by

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Christine Lavin is the best! Harrison Ford, What Was I thinking? And my fave:

These are all the men in their 30s in my liberal state. I’ve met so fucking many of them, I laughed so hard I cried reading this article and then messaged multiple friends. Where is this land of no tender men(TM)?

We have to do more than say this, though. Unfortunately, sex ed in this country has largely demonized sex and condoms in particular. So if people think sex is bad, they don’t prepare for it by carrying condoms around. Many people also think that sex should be spontaneous and that planning for it ruins the mood. Less

Except when it comes to STDs and sex! STD rates in people over 50 are rising at alarming rates.

Teens (under 20) are waiting longer to have sex- average age for the first time they have sex is now roughly 17.5. Teen pregnancy is lower than it’s ever been- mostly not because teens are waiting longer, mostly because when they are having sex, they are much more likely to use contraception. And access to incredibly

This is actually a myth. The data is pretty easy to collect (we do it every two years) and it’s pretty accurate. When kids are given the opportunity and it’s safe to tell the truth, they do. We just reinforce the message that talking about sex is wrong, so they don’t do it openly and honestly often. When you give them

Teens aren’t millenials! They’re Gen Z, I think.

I’m a sex educator who works exclusively with teens, so I have the jargon.

There is also an increase in age at first sex. Teens are waiting longer to have sex (I think it’s up to 17.5 average now), but there is an increase in average number of partners. Which makes sense since the average age of marriage is also increasing!

If she was too drunk to consent, he was, too.

Seriously. Wouldn’t you think a better solution would be to teach about affirmative consent, have them sign an understanding of it, then producers would be given authority to intervene and check in if they saw something problematic? But they typically would have really clear signals, because if everyone has been