
They filmed the women’s march scene before the election. It’s so fucking realistic; it’s goddamn prescient.

uh, in this case, it’s literally the author of the article on which we are commenting.

Are they preserving the abortion story line? How’s that going to work? Is it still set in the 50s? I’m so confused and worried that they’re gonna fuck that part in the rest of the shitshow that this is going to be.

That was the most maddening example, for sure! Also, how are you gray?!

The problem is in this film, the white lady plays the main part and we (the audience) are expected to watch the story unfold through her eyes. She is the human face they prop up in the story, not Deborah’s, who we’re supposed to understand is mentally ill although sympathetic, nor Henrietta’s who speaks about 5 lines.

Did you read the book? In reading the book, there was actually A LOT about Henrietta’s life that I think could have made a compelling main story, with the research being the pieces that are flashed to vs the inverse as it was done.

“But I kept wishing that, unlike the book, the entire film was told from Lacks’s perspective and set mostly in the ’40s and ’50s.”

It’s also important to recognize the motivation that women often have to acquit. Some of it stems from self-preservation. If you can point to the thing that other woman over there did wrong that caused her to “get raped” then you can rest assured that you’re safe from rape because you would never do those things. If

And another point, just like people of color, women are tired of being told that their issues are not central or important, like white people (particularly white male) concerns.

Juries rarely convict on rape no matter how perfect the victim was. I know folks who’ve been in court when the rapist confessed on the stand and the jury didn’t convict. Courts don’t allow expert testimony on typical behavior, so juries expect victims to act one way, which is often the exact opposite of how trauma

They tried and the jury wouldn’t convict :-/ In sexual assault cases, they often have to go with the charges that have an easy to follow, black and white, guilty. In this case, proving consent is tricky. Proving he used a computer to “lure a minor” is black and white for a jury. Infuriating, but necessary in these

That was Brock Turner’s father.

No love for Daveed Diggs at 1:21??

I read on a different article that it was taken down shortly after, which makes me wonder if this wasn’t meant to be public but meant to go to a few people. I can’t confirm that, but if so that might explain the background and also would make me sad if this wasn’t intentional.

This gif lines up perfectly with “Seize the Day” from Newsies which just came up on my playlist and I can’t look away.

So far I have seen two calls for Democrats to retire/not run for reelection. And gee, lookie there, they are both women. One is an isolated incident, two is a coincidence, if there’s a third, I’m flipping a fucking table. Maybe call on the democratic men who truly fucking suck before we go after democratic women who

Have you seen Trapped? He’s one of the providers they follow.

Yup, there are all kinds of different shapes. Some have more room at the tip (a balloon head) others are tubular, etc. There’s usually an outline on the box.

exactly. That’s the message they’re sending. Keep your mouth shut until you leave this state. It’s awful.

It’s also being asked to HELP THOSE KIDS. We know that LGBTQ students are at higher risk than straight students for all kinds of things- family rejection, homelessness, alcoholism, drug use, sexual abuse, dating violence, pregnancy, STIs, bullying, etc. We need the data to pass initiatives to help them, to convince