
I was at a dolphin exhibit once where they were showing a video of how they made baby dolphins (I think it was IVF, so not even showing dolphins having sex) and this woman in front of me covered her daughter's (she was maybe 10-12) ears. Wow.

I use Garnier Fructis Style Curl Sculpting Cream-Gel, Extra Strong.

Do NOT brush it. When I wash my curly hair, I will comb it with a wide-toothed comb, upside down, and then I put in some leave-in conditioner, scrunch it, and put it into a towel to dry ~15 minutes. Then I use some curl cream and an anti-frizz serum before drying it with a blowdryer fitted with a diffuser.

I took the GRE 8 years ago so my experience might be dated, but I remember the quantitative portion as much easier than the language portion. The language portion required tons of memorization of word definitions, as I recall.

There's been pictures from set of his character being arrested (??) so I hope that is hinting about them covering the homosexuality angle. Such a sad, horrible story-from what I remember, didn't a guy he slept with rob him? And when Turing went to the police, he was arrested for homosexual conduct?

LOL. Every time my husband asks me what time I'm getting up in the morning, and I say 7, and he says, so, are you setting your alarm clock for 6 so you'll actually GET UP ON TIME FOR ONCE?

And Presbyterians! I got my husband and I back to church after he and I both left the Southern Baptist faith because of their close-minded hypocrisy. Our church kicks ass and is welcoming of everyone and is quite liberal. This point if view does vary from church to church, though.

When we adopted our sweet girl, the first night she farted like crazy-we'd be playing with her and then suddenly we'd smell this noxious odor. Probably nervousness or anxiety after her foster mommy left. I don't think she's farted since that first night-hopefully that means she's happy with us!

Can you expand on the differences between what is a normal workday for Americans vs. other developed countries? I get that other countries usually have a lot more vacation time-do you mean shorter hours? Less of a workload?

Yeah, AND his grandmother said he was skinny and looked like a cancer patient! So obviously the kid was being abused and made to exercise above and beyond what he was able/willing/wanted to do.

I've worked in science for over 10 years now (wow, can't believe it's been that long) and I can't wear blue nitrile or latex gloves for more than an hour at a time or I get similar red bumps. It's called contact dermatitis and it itches like a mother. I wear ultra-hypoallergenic gloves at work now; they're purple

I just started a new job and it's the first time I've had to punch a timeclock since high school. I'm almost 29, and I HATE having to punch the clock. It's only until I get my PhD diploma in August (I've finished everything, but until that damn diploma is in my hands, I have to punch in and out 4 times a day) when I

I realized tonight I never responded to your comment last week. In the immediate future, I immediately started this week as a postdoc doing similar research, with a few new avenues-not the same model as my grad school one, several different projects, etc. I want to get publications in high-impact journals and learn

I asked for advice last week about my upcoming dissertation defense presentation. I did really well and I passed!!!! I'm officially Dr. [atlantagirl30345]. It really wasn't that I needed to practice it more, it was that I needed to see it as a fun experience of sharing my data. Thanks for all the advice/help, you

So I'm defending my dissertation on Tuesday. What are some tips to keep me from speeding up as I present the data? The hubs and I went to the location where I'm presenting it and the big thing he said I should work on was for me to slow down. Should I put signals in my talk to remind me to slow down? I felt like I

Yep, very close. Currently so happy because I got comments back on the chapter from my advisor and she liked it. Now to fix everything, put it all together, and turn it in tomorrow.

My dissertation is due in 2 days. I've gotten edits back on all my chapters from my advisor except for Chapter 5 (general discussion). Just finished writing it and now I'm editing it, drinking some Angry Orchard, and looking forward to Game of Thrones starting.

Nope. My parents have 2 border collies that they bathe whenever they need it, which is probably about the same timing you do. I think as long as they don't look unkempt/don't smell, they should be fine. Dogs don't have the same issues with oil as we do, as far as I can tell. As long as they're not

So, there's a dog that is up for adoption: