Yeah I actually think that's more a comment on how relevant it is even now as opposed to deriding the speech. I assume she just didn't want to delve into current events in a TV Classic review for a variety of reasons.
Yeah I actually think that's more a comment on how relevant it is even now as opposed to deriding the speech. I assume she just didn't want to delve into current events in a TV Classic review for a variety of reasons.
Wait, what?
Yes, whether because the Cylons took the ship entirely or tried to load it up with nukes or just because it had a mechanical problem. I honestly never thought the why was important, simply because there are lots of logical reasons and not knowing (to me at least) doesn't take away from the drama of Adama/Laura having…
I would call curating through years of commentary to pull out a group of comments then putting that into some big image stalker stuff.
I'd put S2 over it for consistent greatness, as I don't think Andy ever works as a character and having to, necessarily, sideline Jim for the first 1/3 of the season hurts the show. But you can't really go wrong with either pick.
This is, shamefully, exactly what happened to me. The question was actually about horror films and knowing the most popular show on TV exists, not about knowing current TV
Because you gotta leave space for Walkabout, obviously
Jack, definitely. I'm a sucker for a hero, I guess
Favorite Episode - Hugs Can Be Deceiving
Least Favorite - Comic Sans
Favorite Backstory - Rosa and Morello, going to a tie here. I knew where the Morello one was going and still was kind of thrown by how crazy she really was and Rosa's was just great all around.
Least Favorite - See Comic Sans, I think its just because…
As best I can tell the Vega didn't come out until 71, and wasn't really a 'flop' until at least 72. I somehow doubt that the failure of that car will come into play in the series, as it would require a pretty major time jump.
This is an excellent point, and I withdraw my criticism. I'm now rooting for it to be a red herring.
I mean, if the mother isn't dying then this episode is really toying with audience expectations. Which seems silly in the final few episodes ever. I'd almost feel cheated by this episode if its a red herring.
Yeah I found it a bit too meta. I think I'd be happier if they combined some aspects of the finale with last week's episode (throw in Dwight's wedding, Michael's cameo and the closer to the Jim/Pam stuff and you're good) and then still have it end with them watching the documentary instead of spending a whole episode…
"Is it better to burn out than to fade away" or something along those lines.