I feel like it was probably a joke (and the money was for legal fees and stuff) but he certainly didn’t take it seriously enough considering how much he’s been posting stuff on every social media platform.
I feel like it was probably a joke (and the money was for legal fees and stuff) but he certainly didn’t take it seriously enough considering how much he’s been posting stuff on every social media platform.
Okay, clearly you do not get what I was saying. What I was saying was that the original person I was responding to was making a comparison (not wearing shoes vs. not wearing pants) that are not the same (like it is not the same that someone can breastfeed in public vs. some dude not wearing pants in public), I am not…
I used to get Sephora Play!, Birchbox, Glossybox, and Petit Vour (a cruelty free box) and ended up canceling them all because I never used most of the stuff and my house looked like the back of a Sephora with all the testers. I also use Kat Von D’s Lolita because it is the best and looks good on everyone. I also have…
I have a friend who lives in South Korea and she went to a raccoon cafe, like the cat cafes where you can sit and pet cats, but with raccoons. I was very jealous.
She definitely only thinks of herself. I think the only people she wouldn’t do this to are her in-laws.
This reminds me of the argument that men make when they don’t like seeing women breastfeeding, which is that they should be able to walk around without pants on. Aka the two situations (bare feet vs. no pants/shirt) do not equate to each other. Someone walking around without pants or a top would be them showing their…
Yeah, unless the person’s feet smell, just ignore it. I personally wear shoes everywhere but my bed but if someone else wants to be gross and germy I just let them as long as I don’t have to deal with foot funk.
This reminds me of a cheaper furby, aka the toy I had to have at age 9, played with for a day and then threw it in a corner and forgot about it until it occasionally woke up and spoke and scared the shit out of me.
This reminds me of my sister, who still, at 29, will tell people if she doesn’t like the gift they got her. I’m like shut up and just return it later or regift it.
That is the most perfect idea. We need to get on this.
I say we start a petition of some sort to get Bobby tickets for Megyn Kelly’s show because I would love to read about his visit to that set.
I get the feeling that her new boyfriend is a very bland person and she is also a very bland person so this song was bound to be very bland. I mean, I in general like her music but I think that when she isn’t pissed off at some ex-boyfriend she is kind of boring so her music is boring.
I had to watch a commercial for PetSmart before the video would play and now I want to adopt a tiny dog and make him wear a scarf.
My castle crumbled overnight
I brought a knife to a gunfight
They took the crown but it’s alright
All the liars are calling me one
Nobody’s heard from me in months
I’m doing better than I ever was
My apartment is a mess so I have to be extra careful that my desk isn’t. I have a desktop organizer where I put office supplies and then in my desk drawers I installed a filing rack so I could organize different paperwork. I also make time every day to put stuff away, which can be a pain but helps in the long run. I…
Haha, thank you. Sometimes I feel like I live at the office and my boss never seems to have cutlery so I try to have everything.
I know, they have the list up on Amazon now so everyone can buy the stuff, but I can’t appreciate how weird it all is without Oprah giving it out to audience members
Those fake eyebrows are so damn creepy. I am the messiest person in the world at home, but at work I try to keep things neat. All I have are emergency chocolates for when I am stressed, an extra pair of flats, and extra water because I am always thirsty and the only place to get water here unless I bring it is the…