
I am very skeptical about France’s “receipts” right now since he pasted emails in a word document and said his email server couldn’t hold an archive, which seems sketchy. I also don’t necessarily blame Gossett for not responding in a timely manner to Teen Vogue or Jezebel since the media hasn’t exactly been

Okay, I feel like Kylie Jenner is not actually pregnant and that I am like the only person on Earth who thinks this.

I like that you have thought this through (I’m being serious). Having some sort of exercise equipment would be helpful for that nervous energy. I would also want fall scented candles (With vanilla notes), Polar seltzer in bottles not cans, and gummy worms. Also throw up some Halloween decorations year round for me.

This is lovely and I can’t hate on it because the world is terrible right now and Britney is a gem. Also I wear two sports bra that are supposedly “super supportive” to work out in because it is like sports bra companies have actually never seen boobs before.

I also think there is at least some level of bias towards France’s side of the story here. All of the “evidence” refuting Gossett’s claims is up front while all of the “evidence” of France’s shady actions is buried at the end. I think the situation is messy and this sort of longer form reporting should have been held

I feel like this will be super self-important and will wind up on the CW. Not that I don’t love the CW, but most of their shows are so dramatic about trivial things.

Women have also accused Oliver Stone of groping them (and I believe someone came forward saying he sexually assaulted them) so I’m not surprised he is against what he is calling a“vigilante system” since he knows the shit is going to (deservedly) hit the fan on him as well.

Me too! (and those shoes with them!)

Yeah, I used to use Twitter mostly to post about makeup and live-tweet my favorite shows but I almost never even go on there anymore because my bio says I’m a feminist and I was getting daily tweets from randos saying I was a baby murderer. How about Twitter suspends those assholes.

I am laughing so hard at this fake cover and “multi media empire.” Pretty sure almost no one has heard of Voltron Enterprises.

It is tacky and gross that Tyrese keeps bringing up Paul Walker to justify his bitching about having to wait for his paycheck on the next F&F movie when he is really mad that The Rock is getting his own movie and he isn’t.

Exactly, a woman who is very dear to me and has been sober for 50 years now once told me, getting sober is not about bad people becoming good, it is about sick people becoming well. If you are a bad person when you’re using you don’t just automatically become a good person when you stop.

Oh my god, that hat is so dumb. My dad has a similar hat and I constantly want to tell him it is terrible but I would feel bad because he thinks it is cool. Also, Megyn Kelly, I said before I wouldn’t watch even if she had dogs on everyday and she is trying to prove me wrong by having dogs on everyday and I am still

Ugh, I feel like people were and are willing to excuse this because he is clearly wasted and has since gotten treatment for his substance abuse issues, but as a sober alcoholic I just want to say, being drunk and having a substance abuse issue is not an excuse for assaulting women (or anyone).

ah, the old “well he didn’t try to harass or rape me so it can’t be true” excuse. Sometimes I want people to take away Lindsay Lohan’s social media access because she still clearly has some work to do on herself and other times I want to smack her upside the head.

Nothing can redeem Megyn “Santa is just white” Kelly in my eyes, but damn if she isn’t spot on with her comments about the bullshit Donna Karan said.

Marchesa dresses are pretty in a super bland way that tend to work on red carpets, but I agree with this article that the brand never would have really gotten off the ground without Harvey Weinstein forcing actresses to wear the gowns. While obviously it is Harvey Weinstein who is the complete fucking monster in this

Don’t even joke, saying that name is like saying Beetlejuice three times. Unless you are Angel Barta, in which case please don’t flame me because I can’t handle that much crazy.

This whole sketch had me dying laughing, but the “Where’s Kanye” part was a real gem.

I wish I could help but I have actually been looking for the same recommendation because not even foundation and pounds of concealer seem to be able to cover my dark circles and I have tried the Neutrogena rapid tone repair and a few different creams with caffeine and none worked.