
Maybe they don't want women get counseling degrees because then they will counsel women, many of whom will realize their lives suck and will want revolution. I majored in psychology with a focus on counseling psychology and it made me realize the my lower-middle class yet still white American person-privileged life

Miley is young, she is acting like it. Everyone I know hates her new hair-do though. I would hate it a lot less if she stopped gelling it into crazy heights. I thought it was cute when it was flat. Now she looks like she is trying to rock a Jersey Shore Snooki pouf without having long hair. Gwen however, is flawless

So can I now get an IUD at 24 that I was refused a few years ago because "in a few years I would want kids"? Guess what, I still fucking hate kids and I still have the world's worst periods and cramps no matter what birth control I take. My sex ed classes were 3, 1 hour classes long where the biggest lecture was on

Does Amanda Bynes not realize that drinking alcohol and driving is drinking and driving and that hitting cars and leaving the scene is a hit and run? I feel like she is under the assumption she had to be drinking juice or some liquid drugs for the DUI she tweeted the President about to be illegal and apparently she

They are so cute, even as kittens they were little cuddlebugs.

I was going to say he is looking Boehner level orange, but you beat me to it.

I went to Boston University and that is not a terrier in any way. The dog, and the piglets, need to come home with me for some snuggles however.

I take my birth control religiously, even though almost every woman in my family has had fertility issues due to infertility and had to take medicine to make sure they were able to get and stay pregnant, I do not need an accidental kid (I hate kids) plus my periods are awful no matter what pill I take so my gyno at

Almost never. Everything could be a total joke and I would never know but would just laugh at the wording. I think I have clicked a link maybe once in 3 years.

So the script for Desert Warriors was up today and it was still blatantly anti-Islam. My feelings for the actors have lessened considerably since I read it. Hopefully they all got a different script than what was leaked online, otherwise they are all only reacting now that they know people had a problem with using

I expect her to say "phalanges" every time she shows her fingers like on that episode of Bones. Real life is apparently tv to me now.

I just bought her book and am already halfway through, it is amazing. I only wish I could be that funny.

I was about to say, can you imagine how horrified he will be when he finally lives with her and she farts in front of him or he uses the bathroom after she takes a crap?

It would not surprise me if someone associated with Fox Nation made some bullshit up to feel superior to the rest of us plebes.

And they will probably hate each other in 10 years but won't divorce because of their "morals." Thanks, but I'd like to know what I'm getting into sex and living style-wise before I marry someone that way we won't be secretly seething at each other for the way we do dishes or laundry or whatever after we get married.

I think anyone going through the same thing as Giuliana Rancic deserves as much praise and accolades as I can give them. As someone (you) who has been through the same journey, I can only wish you love and luck and pray you have the same outcome. It isn't right for me to say good luck, so I can only pray you have a

My mom can have my uterus if she wants it since I hate children and she gave birth to two at once and could never have kids again. Joking, my mom, at her age, does not want more kids. I always used to think people who can't have kids without any procedures should adopt, but as I've grown older (or possibly just wiser,

I also have nothing negative to say about Giuliana and Bill Rancic's statement. I think it's wonderful that they recognized how important their surrogate was and really appreciate her. I am often jaded by Hollywood type things, but I just thought this was nice.

A lot of people get paid for presenting art exhibits at universities. My own school paid for such exhibits. Just because some people in Minnesota are assholes doesn't mean this essential photo exhibit shouldn't be featured.

So, Emma Stone needs to marry me right now. Also, can you imagine Rihanna babysitting you? How sweet would that be?