I think it is natural for Microsoft to be losing market share. They were the #1 OS for a long time because they were they only OS that actually worked. Now that people can use OSX for more than making shitty youtube videos, it makes sense for an average consumer to look at their options.
I was waiting for a Komodo Dragon to come rush out and eat him.
This is a bad, misinformed, idea that has been passed around on the internet for years. Response time means jack shit and is simply another useless statistic for companies to put on their box to encourage dumb consumers to purchase it.
How did NFS:MW beat out Forza?
Which is a fraction of the amount of bacteria that enters your body from simply breathing the same air as other people. Have a shitty day.
By "deep, deep shitty dive" you mean making millions right?
It would be one thing if they actually wrote something worth while about it. However, the articles are usually about as intelligently written at this one.
Damn, and I have a bottle on my counter to look at even. Fail.
If you can find Fris vodka, it is relatively cheap and tastes better than kettle one/grey goose. I don't usually see handles, but a 750ml is ~$12.
Damn I bet you got so much snatch, bro.
So fucking stupid!
I-25 south through New Mexico, Normal speed is ~85 with people regularly flying by. About 5 State Police patrol ~150 miles and are usually responding to drunken domestic violence calls and couldn't care less about speeders.
"The 10 Most Important Cameras of 2012" Says nothing about best. In my opinion, the 920 was a huge step forward in mobile phone camera technology and should probably be on this list.
Killin' it. +1
I found the lizard-boob monster to be the most frightening.
1. San Andreas
The plane is a fake from a TV show. The title reads fine.
Really? I mean just really... Reluctantly +1.