capitalizing RANDOM words really DOES nothing to HELP you get your POINT across. Also, -1.
capitalizing RANDOM words really DOES nothing to HELP you get your POINT across. Also, -1.
Nah, that doesn't do it for me
Damn it. I hate that breathing manually thing. I start thinking about my breathing and if I am breathing normally and then I can't think of anything else.
I use a knife or needle as well. The irritation caused by a splinter for some reason is far worse than digging it out with a pointy object. Also, I have had some luck with tape or a dab of glue.
Wtf is security for then?
Shit, now I am hungry again.
I had heard about that. I think it is a good idea. Android is all about variety.
Motorola + unlocked bootloader would be amazing. I like motos build quality, but I won't buy a locked down phone.
I love the 4.65" on the Galaxy Nexus. I really hope Google sticks with that size. I would be OK with maybe up to 4.8" but 5" is getting too large to one hand it. I hope they pick a new manufacturer for the next Nexus though
+1 if that was a pokemon reference.
0 = 2 x cosx - x
If anything, this just shows how idiotic the authors of these captions and Gizmodo staff are. "To figure out which of the phone is uglier." Why do you guys post such stupid shit? I get it, you can do whatever you want, but still, is it necessary to make yourselves look like complete asshats on a daily basis?
The obvious answer to me is that if the OS is complete shit (which I can't really imagine it not being...) then acer will have its name on it and when acer makes android products it makes the whole android ecosystem look worse.
I like having current games I am playing on my SSD and games that I sometimes play on my 500GB drive. Right now it is possible to do this by making links to other folders, but native support is always preferred.
Deftones are awesome. This song is awesome. Who the fuck cares?
but the other way around...
Well now I feel like I am ripping you off. How about 40/60?
Nice. Al pastor is the way to go. Not a huge fan of Mexican sodas though. I used to like horchata a lot, but lately not so much.