
I am partial to the BRZ myself. I don't know what it is, but this car is tugging more and more at my wallet strings everyday.

But I still want one...

Still don't really get the new commenting system, do ya?

Honestly, the fact you didn't know doesn't mean anything. The tail lights and chrome wheels, regardless of if they are stock, are still stupid as hell.

Isn't that SA?

You should never talk to a police officer ever. It can't help you. It can only hurt you. When you get pulled over and they ask you if you know how fast you are going, you simply say "yes." Never admit guilt. When they tell you "You were going X over" you just say, "I see."

Right? I was like "Wow, that looks like the Sandia's...Oh wait, just another breaking bad shot"

I wonder if SA:MP will be easily ported to the new engine. That would be wonderful.

Whatever app gives me updated views of the second panel from the heading image.

Title correction: Soldiers not "Solders"


Oh, for sure. I know iOS users are perfectly happy with their OS, as are Android users. I personally enjoy having a completely open phone, but that doesn't mean iOS is bad for not being open. Openness has it's fair share of problems as well.

I understand there is a relationship between what users want and what is on the market. I am simply pointing out that the OP is a blatantly ignoring the article and just posting garbage.

"Sounds about right: iOS users spending their time using apps, and Android users spending time fawning over their beautiful home screens." Again, this really isn't a hard concept: just because there are a large amount of a certain type of app in either app stores, does not mean those are the most commonly used apps.

Oh, there is obviously a correlation. You just completely fail to recognize, again, that this has nothing to do with most downloaded apps, most searched apps, highest rated apps etc... This only has to do with the most common names in both stores. Dumbass.

Herp derp. These are the titles of apps, not most searched words. Android allows for customization with things such as live wallpapers; iOS does not. This literally has nothing to do with Android or iOS users. This has to do with app developers using buzz words to snag dumbass people like yourself into downloading

Because iOS is a prison sentence and Apple's users want to be freed? /trololol /kindaserious

I was sure the third picture was a mustache growing competition.