
Exactly. I have no problem paying a subscription for my media (and I do whenever possible i.e. netflix, hulu, spotify, and even for games). However, when these moronic media conglomerates can't get their heads out of their asses and are too busy bloating media with DRMs, I say fuck it and get it myself free of DRM,

Got mine this morning, took about 20-30 seconds to get it out. Not sure if most of these were IO editions (saw one with a white back), or if these people just fail.

A troll comment would be if I was trying to generate argument about this. This is simply my opinion. Matt Smith just does not do the doctor justice. As for Tennant and Eccleston, Tennant is good, but I loved Eccleston as The Doctor. I understand some people like Smith, but I don't understand why.

Matt Smith is a disgrace to all the previous doctors.

This gives me a similar feeling to rides like this, though not nearly as intense.

Well it is understandable, I know I can't poop without a Popsicle.

So you're a drunk driver? Way to be a worthless piece of shit.

Just kidding. My bad.

It is a 24 pin port though...

I would say it breaks two...Believe in America is a pretty strong call to action.

The text states it confusingly, but the math is correct. Killowatts is not = Watts/1000 rather Killowatts used is = Watts used / 1000

Gttra is right.... Kilowatts = "Watts Used"/1000. Example: You use 1000 Watts, 1000/1000 = 1kW

Good for Kevin James for having a nice little hobby

I think the IDE port you're referring to is the LCD interface port

Alexis, as the creator of a highly successful website driven mostly by user generated material and comments, could you provide Gawker Media with some tips about how to stop screwing over their readers with new, barely functional, commenting systems?

I think Firefox and Motorola are both fine

00:30, "Regretting eating that Beefy 5 Layer burrito."

Well it isn't like there is one team of people working on robots and they were like "Hey, lets not work on AI anymore and lets work on robot facial expressions!" I'm sure there are plenty of scientists diligently working away at AI and there are plenty of other scientists whose expertise is more suited for robotic

Yes, you are overreacting. If you think they are running the Earth with their products, then don't buy them.

I personally don't use facebook as described above. I have a profile and I update my status maybe once every month or so if something particularly exciting happens in my life. Other than that I occasionally get on to see if any of my close family or friends has anything interesting to say. I also only have ~100