
Cabin in the Woods is definitely one you want to see on a big screen. Dollar theater/Cheap theater is probably perfect for it.

I don't think having to crawl under your desk AND turn your neck to the side is exactly easy. Yeah, I get it. It is supposed to be so you can just reach under and plug stuff in, but that is never how it actually works. I just have my power strip on top of my tower which in the ground near my desk.

Ah man did you guys kotaku it?

Haha. That is pretty good.

They are all pretty much super comfortable and the more expensive ones just have built in heaters and a little more cushion?

Didn't even notice till I saw this comment.

I'm just going to use 4 more than usual then!

I have to disagree that an Elder Scrolls game against humans isn't feasible. I think it is absolutely doable. Whether there is a development team out there that is ready and willing to do it might be the problem. At least I can dream, right?

Let what go? You posted something wrong and I simply and definitively corrected you. There isn't really anything to let go. I most certainly did not post a picture about something I didn't understand. The picture is that haters are going to hate. I absolutely had that correct. You are going to hate on things you could

Copy and pasting a definition demonstrates your inability to grasp basic concepts such as reading comprehension. This guy is having fun, learning and

"Engineering is the discipline, art, skill, profession, and technology of acquiring and applying scientific, mathematical, economic, social, and practical knowledge, in order to design and build structures, machines, devices, systems, materials and processes."

I seriously doubt that. Anyone as closed minded as yourself surely can't produce anything worth while. The comment about the Arduino and the soldering iron probably sum up your experience quite well. Also, you're the one that got mad because I posted a humorous picture poking slight fun at the OP. Keep on trolling,

That seems like a cool site. Have you used it before? Is it legit?

You obviously have never done any actual engineering work. You don't just shit out a magic solution that is perfect. It is hard work and lots of testing to find what is the "best" solution. This guy is going to school, where you.....learn. Imagine that! Also, you should probably do some learning yourself and learn to

What a dumb ass. He is lucky someone didn't get freaked out, swerve, and plaster his face all over the concrete.

Queue mass reports of hunters being shot at by a bunch of gun waving Texans

Lol. You must have never had to attempt to retrieve lost software from a large publishing company. It doesn't happen.

This isn't terrible for $85. It is a little bit on the high end for a folder this size. However, it is nice they decided to keep the blade just under 4"

Oops... yeah. I ways saying I usually golf then drink. Then i meant to say that what I do is not the norm. Drink and golfing at the same time IS.

I always golf then drink. But yeah, drinking and golfing is definitely not the norm.