
This whole piece was perfection. I don't believe that God punishes, so yay kinja!

It’s too bad the mother couldn’t lactate at will.

“sitting IN my ass." Hahahaa! I am assuming that this was not a typo, and I LOVE it.


That makes sense. And possibly in a hurry too.

I'm such waiting for the subject to change. It's like we're talking about dicks or something:/

Good grief. This is some kind of adventure. Did you ever think so much time and space would be devoted to "dip discussion?" It's as though we are all talking about dicks!

Onion dip and chips. Exactly! These kids are so culturally deprived.

Thanks for going there. It is straight out genre-of-the day- shit.

Hmmm. “Leo is campaigning hard.”


Did you see The Grey or any of the other 'mistopians?' This is not even B quality 'good' violence. Watch and tell a 'friend' why you like it. I'm easily persuaded.

Welcome Helen!

That would be nice, but to what purpose? Just stop reading this nonsense. They aren't going anywhere, so - forget them- and you just might.

I'm actually starting to get used to her.

It’s quite clever. The other members are clearly in the path of collateral damage.

THE ONLY KIND OF ACCEPTABLE MARTINI. And none of that apple or other nonsense. Also Gin isn’t nice. Tastes like perfume.

“Not a doctor.” thank goodness.

That is so gosh darn endearing - for so many reasons I’m too tipsy to detail.

1) I keep hearing about it, but ....... Thanks.