
I have it in writing (twice) from the NYC DOT that bikes will be allowed. Hopefully that does it!

I’ve been tempted!

I enjoyed this trailer, when does the movie come out?

I’m actually glad to see comments like this, mainly because I know we all do it. In a modern car, 100mph isn’t anymore dangerous than 70 in situations where doing 70 would be appropriate.

I hit 100 a couple of times today on a road trip.  I guess it is OK because I am 47, not 18. 

Thank you my friend i will be sure to join. Thank you also on my behalf and my fellow Kurds to all US troops who have over the years sacrifised their lives to help protect and serve our regions. Your country has some true honest to god heros.

Hahaha, i do exist Jason and i am one of Jalopnik’s biggest Kurdish fans. Hope everyone enjoyed the video.

I don’t think the Range Rover got stuck so much as it decided to just break at the worst possible moment. Oh well, keep calm and carry on I suppose.

Why don’t you go out and talk to some conservatives? Ask them.
You’ll probably find that they are nothing like what you think they are like.

This website is too full of hate to have real conversations here.
Base rage and slurs gets more clicks.

The intolerance of the replies here is sad, yet hilarious. Nearly everyone of them amounts to, “anyone who disagrees with me must be evil, stupid, ignorant, or some combination.” That’s a myopic way to trudge through life. Whatever happened to the idea of honestly listening to people who disagree with you? I imagine

This is a perfect utilization of the Low Volume Motor Vehicle Manufacturer’s Act.  The prices are outrageous, but appropriate.  Being licensed by Ford is huge.

Thanos really is like some kind of non-giving up school guy.

38 is officially tshirt weather in february!

Per the press release: She could’ve walked away with no jail time and two years of community supervision for pleading guilty (to a ‘crime’ that she basically admitted to committing.)

Yeah, 8 years is a lot for this, but it seems like the system still tried to keep her from making the mistake in the first place. They even tried to be lenient by giving her a plea deal. It’s on her that she rejected it.

Was a little surprised this made it past whatever weeds out their inappropriate personalized plates in the first place. That said, it’s probably better to be a bit more lenient than strict. You’ll never weed out everything that could offend someone.

Can we move beyond having dumb associations with “random” ordered plate combinations? You’ll never, EVER, not offend someone.

A weekly range visit is more than most town cops train....

This is a prime example of early mussel car.

Yeah. Awful.