
I’m guessing you were a kid in the 2000s. In the 70s & 80s, my dad used me as ballast in the bed to hold things down.

Air filter? what’s that?

Well it’s white, so it will obviously generate far more income than it’s worth.

How do they know a vehicle is not insured? Do they call every insurance agency on the continent to see if they have a record of the car?

Free car is a free car. A free Mercedes is worth the probably rare “fancy car comment. Plus its not like the C class is really that uncommon in any big city.

Nixon opened relations with China, got us out of VietNam and was instrumental in creating the EPA. What’s he most remembered for...Watergate.

Now playing

I have never been so captivated by something moving so slow.

He was probably on PCP. Broke every bone in his hand and wouldn’t feel it for hours.

The thing is that laws are inherently on your honor to follow until you break them and then they are reactive. As emotionally convenient as it is for people to believe that they can ever be truly safe, that’s just simply not the case. There is no actual reason that the guy behind you in line at Taco Bell can’t kill

I got news for you, my AR will do more than my Glock will against that kind of force. I will keep masturbating away!

Finding a specific Subaru in Portland. This should be fun.

I didn’t read the article: the poster

When my nephew was 3 yrs old a hearse drove past us and he expressed a wish to ride in one. I assured him that, one day, his wish would come true.

I have a C6 GS parked in the garage. I was really saddened when the Viper was discontinued.

I’m a GM guy by birth and a Corvette fan through and through, but you’ll never hear me say a bad word about the Viper. It pains me to see it go away, and the utmost respect to anyone and everyone showing it out in anger. My hat’s off to you.

“When I see the F150 Raptor, I tend to think the typical owner is compensating for something.” When I read a post like this I tend to think the poster is jealous.

“When I see the F150 Raptor, I tend to think the typical owner is compensating for something,”

Somebody needs to put a bug in Sergio’s ear to build a bunch of 250 GTO repros now. He can steal Shelby’s idea and call them “continuation cars”.

Yeah, him saying it is a “straight road” coupled with the directive to hit at least 40MPH definitely makes him partially liable here. No way was that a safe curve to navigate at that speed, and it is unreasonable to expect non-stunt actors (who might be used to a life of being driven around after a few decades in the