
Yeah but I bet the operation:maintenance hours ratio is WAY higher than a hummer. The cost per vehicle will be made up for in reduced maintenance labor requirements over the years. Not to mention cheaper parts when they do break.

Forza has been around for almost half my life. It’s my heritage. So get your hate out of here.

Truck first. Truck is all that matters 

What is up with everyone saying America has a “Truck Obsession”? No, we have big friggin roads, large geographical areas, an obese population and cheap gas. The popularity of trucks is a byproduct of our demographics, geography, economy, and infrastructure.

Can confirm, they are already here.

Flat rate does not mean what you think it means.

It says paint work, not a respray.

according to whom? Also apparently it was a NP because the car sold already

Worthy only because of its rarity as a Mary Kay car with its original paint

Tort reform is a necessary first step before municipality-endorsed street racing

White republican male here. I couldn’t be happier to see these guys exercising their rights. The 2A applies equally to all races and genders.

That car getting driven at 10/10ths, at the very limit of traction, on a super narrow, bumpy-ass country road is both terrifying and immensely satisfying.

Sure there are. $200 tax stamp for the launcher, another $200 tax stamp for each round of explosive ammunition (rocket) that goes with it. These are called Destructive Devices under the 1968 GCA and are regulated similarly to machine guns, silencers and short barreled rifles and short barreled shotguns under the 1934

Wrangler owners relish the fact that their vehicles easily roll onto their sides and even the roof.  That's why they come with beefy roll cages. Just like motorcycles,  they come with certain acknowledged risks of operation. 

Snitches like her coworkers are why we can’t have nice things.

Snitches like her coworkers are why we can’t have nice things.

Wait didn't resident evil 3 come out 20 years ago?

Wait didn't resident evil 3 come out 20 years ago?

Key word here being “reports”

Yes, and the biggest problem with his conduct is that he didn’t follow opsec procedures. Dude sent out an e-mail with about 30 people CC’d, literally blabbing about his nuclear powered supercarrier being compromised by a viral outbreak (and that email was leaked to the media). That carrier (and the escort/support