
Almost everyone who wins millions in a lottery, ends up destitute within a few years because they lack the financial discipline to sustain a fortune. They just blow all of the winnings to live like a rockstar for awhile. They never follow rule #1 of wealth building: Never touch the principal.

Ah the brief glimpses into how the 0.1% live.

18,828 lb ft, not sure where the extra 2k is coming from

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I’m not criticizing the 7.3l, I like it along with the new C8.

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I’m not criticizing the 7.3l, I like it along with the new C8.

That would be the ultimate automotive troll. It would be like buying the Mona Lisa and giving her a make-over

Not at all, I quite like the new Ford 7.3 gasser AND the new C8.

The irony of Jalopnik’s “Drive Free Or Die” slogan increases with every article like this.

Does it not surprise you that I also hate big trucks?

15mpg in a recreational car where most will see ~1,500 miles per year is perfectly acceptable.

The whole car is just rich assholes doing rich asshole things

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The potential loss of the unlimited autobahn, along with recreational driving in general, reminds me of this Billy Joel song.

Older millennial here, born late ‘84. Got my license ASAP. Bought my first car on September 11th, 2001, before my friends or I had a cell phone. Car was still very important.

This probably happens more often than we know around the Bowling Green area, but it usually gets swept under the rug and the drivers let off with a stern warning because GM’s a big employer for the town.

Youtube has (thankfully) made the Haynes/Chilton manual a supplemental resource instead of a primary one.

Keeping the body in a decompressed air lock sounds like it would preserve the body pretty well.

An artificially-limited market of 6 vehicles based upon their function...

Deliberate is right, 85% of it is schtick and the remaining 15% is probably real.

Yeah, I fully expect that all seven have the same number of miles on them as when they were off-loaded from the delivery truck(s), and probably have not moved from their parking spots since the 1990s. The tires are probably all flat and dryrotted, brake rotors seized to the pads, and the glorious S70/2 engines not